~Feeling Guilty~

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Days had gone by and the doctors are baffled with Emma's condition. All her vitals, her heart rate, everything is normal she should be awake. Everyone is home and I decided I would spend the day with Emma. I walked into the room and there she is, asleep on the bed.

I sat at her side, and I half smiled as a tear rolled down my face. "Emma, please wake up." Nothing. "You're family needs, your kids need you, I need you." Nothing, she doesn't move a single inch. I start to get impatient that she doesn't wake up. I get closer to her and I decided to kiss her.

As soon as I put my lips against hers I could feel a slight movement but no change. I sigh. It's because I'm not her true love. I caress her cheek and I start to cry. This is what I get for keeping things to myself and being selfish. The only way to bring Emma back is to get Killian to remember.

I kissed her again and sighed. "I'm sorry my love for making you wait, I love you and you deserve to be with the man that you love. I will bring your Killian back." I kiss her forehead and I walk out of her room. I get in the car and drive towards the lab. I call Jay and tell him to meet me there.

I get to the lab and I start to gather the stuff to make a memory serum. It's a very strong serum that will react as if he were to get hit really hard in the head and it will help get his memories back. Jay walks in and is confused as can be. "What's wrong?" Jay asks.

"Why did you call me to meet you here?" I sigh as I put the viles down. "I know how to get Killian's memory back." He gasps. "How?" I explained to him and he smiled. "That's great." I nodded and continued to make the serum. He stops me and I gave him a baffled look. "What's wrong Jay?" He sighs.

"If you make the serum then Killian well Colin will remember her." I stood there quietly. "You won't be able to be with her and I know she's starting to love you." I half smile. "She may say she loves me but I know she doesn't." "What?" He asks in a confused tone.

I slammed down one of the viles on the counter and snarled. "I kissed her, and nothing, I couldn't feel anything, I know it's because I'm not the one she loves, her heart belongs to Killian." Jay sighs. "I'm sorry August." I nod.

An hour passes by and I completed the memory serum. "Ok it's time." I say and I close the vile and back up vile and we closed the lab. We got into the car and drove back to Jay's apartment.

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