~Baby Time~

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Weeks passed by and I was in the hospital. It was already time for little Devon to come out into the world but he was not coming out. I was laying in the bed and in so much pain. "Oh my little prince why are you being so fussy with mommy?" I said as I rubbed my belly.

My dad, my bro, Jay, August, and Rhea are outside in the waiting room. My mom, Lacy, and Arie are in here with me. I tried to relax but I couldn't, well the pain wasn't letting me and I was so annoyed with the many machines that were in the room.

That's when my phone goes off, yes I learned how to use the iPhone. I read the message and smiled. "Emma you're doing great, can't wait to meet prince Devon, I love you!" I smiled and sent him a smiley face. "I love you too." Yeah I know it's only been months since we've met but I felt like I've known him forever.

Ever since he took me out on that little outing/date I've just loved being with him. He's been with me every step of the way when Killian hasn't. I know it's not his fault but Neal's fault. I missed Killian dearly, I know my little prince misses his daddy and I do feel guilty for being with August but I can't help it. 

The doctor comes in. "Alana you have been scheduled for a C-section." "What the hell is that?" I say as I sit up on my bed. "I'm having a baby I can't have that." I said. The doctor laughed. "Alana you are having the baby its just we are doing surgery to open you up so we can take the baby out." The doctor said and I gasp. 

"What in the hell, no I'm having this baby the normal way." And I scream because I feel a contraction coming. I laid back down trying to catch my breath. "Alana you can't." The doctor said trying to calm me down. 

"Why?" I screamed. "The baby has the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, he's not upside down." I rubbed my belly and sighed. "Oh my prince, what are you doing in there?" I looked at Arie and my mom and they nodded. "Ok, I'll have that thing you want to do to me." The doctor nods. "So in a few hours we will prep you and you can only have one person in the operating room with you." The doctor said and he walked out.  

Lacy walked up to me and smiled. "Who do you want in there with you?" I smiled. "I want August." My mom gasped. "No honey remember you are still married to Killian, I know you've been hanging out with him but you can't have another man be with you like that." I scoff. 

"Mom, Killian isn't here, he won't be here, I lost him don't you understand." I screamed and started to cry. "Sweetie I'm sorry." She said and kissed my forehead. I grabbed her hand and I kissed it. "I'm sorry mom, I just miss Killian so much, he was so excited when he thought I was pregnant, he wanted a boy and look here I am with a boy but without him." Arie and my mom both sigh. "You guys have true love." She says and I scoff. 

"Oh blah with true love he's with Jessica well Milah." They gave me a baffled look. "Yeah August and I found out that Jessica was indeed Milah but with a makeover." "Why didn't you tell Killian that Jessica is Milah?" I sigh. "What's the point, he doesn't believe me." They nodded and sighed. 

I texted August and asked him if he could come into the room. A few minutes later he came. "What's wrong?" He asked with a concerned look on his face. "Emma is having a c section." "Oh." He said and smiled. I grabbed his hand and sighed. "I want you in there with me, I'm scared out of my mind. I mean I'm being cut open, that's unheard of." 

"Actually here it's normal Emma oh I mean Alana." He said and smiled. I smiled and nodded. A few hours passed by and they prepped me and they didn't let August go in with me right away. When they started to do all these weird things to me I couldn't help but get super nervous. I mean how can people go through this. 

I would rather have my baby normally than let them do all these weird things to me. I'm laying there and I'm scared out of my mind and I'm super cold. I felt horrible but I would do anything for my little prince. August walks in and sits next to me, he had weird clothes on, and I laughed. 

"You look funny." "Hey don't make fun of me, I have to wear this." He said and smiled. "I'm scared." I mouthed and he kissed my forehead. "Its going to be alright." I closed my eyes and tears came rolling down and he wiped them. As I had my eyes closed, I kept getting flashbacks of Killian and I and everything that we had gone through. 

The party, the coronation, everything. I couldn't help but miss Killian, I missed him so much. Why can't he just come to me and be here with me. I opened my eyes and look at the window and there he was. Killian is here, I can't believe he is here. My heart rate started to rise as tears were rolling down my cheek. 

"Alana I need you to stay calm, we can't continue unless you calm down." The doctor says. "Hey hey what's wrong?" August asks and I shake my head. "It's nothing." Minutes pass by and I hear a cry. 

They show me my little prince and I was so happy. They took him away and started to check him. "Would the father like to see the baby?" The doctor asks August. "Oh I'm not..." August asks and I cut him off. "Of course you can see him." 

August smiles and goes to see the baby. I look over at the window and I see Killian smile. That so warmed my heart. That's when I suddenly feel cold, colder than usual. I feel my head heavy and my whole body super weak. Oh no what's happening? I start to close my eyes and my whole world turns black.

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