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I heard an awful contraption go off. It honestly startled me. I got up trying to find the source of the noise and then I heard someone just smack something and it turned off. I sighed in relief and laid back down. I looked back at Rhea and she was sound asleep. I walked over to the window and smiled out the window.

The view was so beautiful and you can see the ocean from here. "Family, friends I know you are all out there. I will find each and every one of you, I promise." I yell out the window smiling with a glimpse of hope in my heart. I know it seems hopeless but I've come too far to let my happiness float away because of someone who refused me in the past and now wants me to be a part of his future.

I turn around and I see a set of clothes laid out. I get dressed and I make my way down stairs. "Good morning your majesty." Jay says and laughs. "Morning." I say in an annoyed tone. "You know you don't have to call me that." Jay smiles. "I know, its just funny to see you when you get irritated."

"Ha ha." He laughed. I looked around and wondered where Arie was. "Where's Arie?" "Oh she's still upstairs." "Can I go check on her?" He smiled. "Go for it." I walked up and knocked on the door. "Arie are you ok? You still sleeping?" "I'm ok your majesty." She says with a stuffy nose.

"Arie what's wrong, it sounds like you're crying." "I'm fine I just want to be alone." I stood there baffled. Why was she crying. I push the door open and I saw her on the floor crying. "That doesn't look fine to me." I close the door and kneel down next to her. "What's wrong Arie?" "No nothing Emma I mean Alana, queen, your majesty." She said and sighed.

"It's just Emma, Arie." I responded and smiled. "I just..." She started to sniffle. I think I know where this is going. I sighed. "Is it because you saw me hugging Jay last night?" "No." She said as she looked away. I raised my eyebrow. "Ok, yes." I sat on the floor next to her and I nudged her.

"Hey I know you love him." "What? That's absurd!" I smiled. "Honey." I said as I pulled her hair out of her face. "I saw that look you gave us when you walked down, it was a look of a heart starting to break." She gasped. "How do you know that?" I sighed.

"Because I've had that before, it was with Neal or Ty whatever his name is." I said and laughed. She nodded. "Yeah I already had the suspicion that you liked him but with that it confirmed to me that you do love him!" "But he will never love me Emma."

"Why ever not?" She shrugs. "Emma you are beautiful and just amazing, ever since we brought you here he's been in awe of you. Even before we started to work he knew about you and he wouldn't stop talking about you and when we finally met you he again would not stop talking about you. If he would be with anyone, it'll be you. I see the way he flirts with you; he really likes you."

I gave her a baffled look. "Really Arie?" She nods. "Also Because he gave you a ring I saw it, I heard him say it had some initials on it." "Oh my, Arie this is my wedding ring." I take it off. "You see it stands for Emma and Killian. He just gave it to me to lift my spirits." I said and smiled.

"I see the way he looks at you, he likes you and he flirts with you, to him I'm just a dumb partner." I started to get a little irritated with Arie. "Ok enough with the flirting nonsense and him talking about me and plus I'm married girl." She sat there still sniffling.

"Try to grab his attention, compliment him, don't make it all work. I know you guys work together and sleep in the same room which is weird back in my land this was prohibited." She laughed. "Come on fight for what you love Arie." I said with a smile. She smiled and hugged me. "Thank you Emma, I don't deserve your friendship your majesty."

I raised my eyebrow and laughed. "Ok no more your majesty." She nods. "Why are you being so nice to me and helping me after all it's my fault that you were stripped of your life and lost your family and friends, you're having a baby and you don't have the dad with you and everything else." I sighed.

"Look things happen this is but a mere obstacle just because they can't remember me or I can't go back home that doesn't mean I'm going to give up, I'm going to fight. For far too long I was mad at people for stealing away my happiness and instead I learned to understand their situation, forgive and move on."

She got up and I wiped her tears and she smiled. "No wonder you were picked to be queen back in your land." I smiled. "Ok so now let's go downstairs." "Ok let me just brush my hair really quick ok?" I smiled. "Ok meet you downstairs." I closed the door and walked downstairs. "Good morning mommy."

I hear Rhea says as she was sitting there eating some scrambled eggs. "Thank you Jay for serving Rhea some breakfast." He smiled. "You are very welcome." I nod. "So how's Arie?" He asked. "Oh she's fine." I replied. He looked at me with concern in his eyes. "Oh you know lady problems." He squints his eyes and nods. "I see." He says as he continued to make scrambled eggs.

We hear Arie coming down the stairs. "Morning Arie." Jay says as she goes and sits by the counter. "Morning." She replies as his back is facing her. "Compliment him." I mouthed to Arie. She nods. "You look very good today Jay love your shirt!" He turned around and looked down and smiled.

"Really? Thanks Arie." She blushed and I turn to her and give her a thumbs up. "Ok." Jay says as he serves Arie and I scrambled eggs. "So today we will go to the lab and see if you want to take something from the stuff that were left behind from your land." I nod. "After that we will go and look for Killian or his name here in California, Colin Jones."

"Oh come on, I'm married to a Colin?" They nodded. "Alana and Colin, doesn't sound that bad right?" They both started to laugh. "Ok his location is Malibu by the beach actually by the harbor." Jay said as he looked over the book. I smiled. "He would be by the sea." They gave me a baffled look.

"Well he is a Prince but he is also a sailor and then he became a pirate and then a Prince again then a king! Yeah very confusing. Anyways since he's a sailor and a pirate it only makes sense that he's living close to the sea." I said and they all laughed.

"Will we see daddy today?" Rhea said with a smile. "Yes love and sweetie in this place your name is Aqua. You're only Rhea here in the house. Only we can call you Rhea ok?" She looked confused but nodded in agreement. "Alright." I said as I grabbed her. "Ok let's get going." They nod and off we went.

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