~Heartbroken Again~

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"How's she doing?" Colin asks. I stayed quiet as I held Emma. "Mate I asked you how is she doing?" I scoff. "She's fine no thanks to you!" He scoffed. "What's your problem Jay?" "I was nice enough to show two perfect strangers my boats and that lass decided it's ok to kiss me and you're acting irrational, you are way out of line mate." I sigh.

"Ok I'm sorry, but she's been through so much and you don't even put the effort into remembering." He scoffs. "Oh my gosh enough with that, remember what?" He screams. "She's your wife, queen Emma and your daughter Princess Rhea and she's pregnant with your child dude. You're King Killian of Valedonia." He chuckled.

"You sir like I said earlier are way out of line." I sigh. "And my name is Colin not Killian." "Ok tell me this, why did you put on the sail boats Emma and Rhea?" He looks confused. "She loves you so much.." Then I started feel Emma get cold. I touch her neck and I couldn't feel her pulse. "Dude hurry up I can't feel a pulse on her." He gasps.

"I'm driving as fast as I can." He screamed. "Well drive faster!" I yelled back. "I'm a gentleman so I care about her well being so stop acting like you're the only one who is worried." I give him a dirty look and rolled my eyes. 10 minutes later we finally get there and she's rushed in.

The doctors start yelling and then one of them shouts get the OB down here. Then they start giving her medication and finally the OB comes down and they do an ultrasound. She starts to do the ultrasound and she's looking for a heart beat and she doesn't here any. I stood there scared out of my mind.

The OB stays quiet and looks at the other doctors and then at Emma. "No, she lost the baby." A few seconds later, she looks up and nods. "Let's try again." As soon as she tries to look for the heart beat, we hear it, the baby's heartbeat. I smile and sighed in relief. "Yes thank God." The OB smiles. "The baby is still alive and looks good." The OB says and that's when I hear a flat line.

"Get the crash cart." I hear them say and Killian is standing next to me still in shock from what had occurred with the baby and now with Emma. "Charge to 300!" The doctor screams. "Clear!" They all gasped. "No response, again." "Clear." There was a silence throughout the room and that's when I hear her heart beat. "Ok she's stable." The doctor says and sighs in relief.

"Ok leave her here we need to monitor her pregnancy and I want to check that bump she has on her head." The doctor says. He comes out. "Relatives of Alana?" "Yes." I say. The doctor walks over to us. "Who are you?" He asks. "I'm her brother and this is her husband." Killian gave me that I'm so done with you saying I'm her husband type of look.

"Ok well the baby is in good condition, we almost lost both of them for a bit but they are stable for now. I would like to keep her here for a few days because that bump on her head is pretty big so I want to make sure that her brain is doing ok." I nod.

"What exactly happened?" The doctor asked. "We were on my sailboat and one of the sails fell and hit her on the head and she fell overboard." Killian said and sighed. "Oh my." The doctor said. "Well in about an hour you will be able to see her up in her room."

He goes over to Killian and smiles. "You're blessed that your wife and child survived." Killian just looked down and then the doctor smiles and leaves. Jessica, Arie and Aqua come in and Aqua starts to hug Killian. "Daddy I missed you!" She cheerfully says. Jessica looks at Aqua and gives her a weird look. "Daddy?" She asks in a confused manner.

I started to panic. "Who's this?" Arie grabs her and smiles. "Sweetie let's go and see your mommy." The look Aqua had on her face killed me, she looked so destroyed, I know she just wanted to be with her daddy. "Look Jessica I don't know what she's talking about." Killian said and Jessica smiles. "Its ok." She says then kisses him. Killian stood there quietly.

"I'll be back." She says and walks away. I see Killian standing there all confused. "What's wrong mate?" I say in a sarcastic tone. He looked mad and confused. "Well when I kissed Jessica it was different than when I kissed Emma." "Oh." I said. "I don't know, it's just..." He said. "Bro you're lagging it!" I sighed.

How can I get him to remember, I know there has to be a way. "Hey I have something to show." I say to Killian and I take out my iPad and show him pictures of his land and the things we found. "What is this?" He asks. "It's back from your land." I say in an irritated tone. He gets up and scoffs.

"Why are you so obsessed with me trying to remember her?" He screams. "Other than being a beautiful woman she told me quote on quote once you find someone you treasure, you love, you feel comfortable with, who's your best friend, you never let them go and you fight for it no matter what! Because that only comes once in a life time." I say and he gasps.

"That's what I would always say to Jessica." I stay quiet, he keeps looking at the pictures and he sees a picture of the docks. "Hey I saw this in a dream." "Really?" I asked. "Yes I dreamed that I got stabbed and a beautiful woman went in to save me when I was thrown over board from a ship." I smiled. "That was Emma." He gave me a baffled look.

"But it was a dream." "Dude that's why you have that scar in your back." I say and he sighs. "I'm going to go see her, ok?" "I'll be here waiting." "Aye." He says and walks away.

*Emma's POV*p
I'm laying there on a bed, I can't move or anything and my head is killing me. I wish I could hug my daughter when she came in here earlier and that's when I hear a voice and it was Killian's. "Gosh you are beautiful." He says and I want to smile but can't.

He grabs my hand and I could hear the device next to me going crazy and making a lot of weird noises. "I can see your heart rate is going up." He was right, I was so happy that my heart was racing. "I don't understand, I'm just so confused." I was getting a little nervous. "I'm sorry I just don't remember." He says and lets go of my hand and leaves.

As soon as he left I got the strength to open my eyes. As I opened them up a tear came rolling down my face. Jay walked in and smiled. "How'd it go?" I sigh. "He left." He gasps. "What?" I nod. "He said he doesn't remember." I sigh. "Oh well, I tried." He gasps. "You're giving up?" "Well what do you want me to do?" I say in an angry tone.

"You told me that once you find someone you treasure and love you don't let it go Emma." I cry. "You're right but in the mean time while I let things cool down, let's go find my parents and family and friends." I got up and Jay pushed me back to the bed.

"Hey hey you can't go." "Why on earth not?" I say in an angry time. "You're being monitored." I scoff. "I'm fine." I say and I pulled out the cables that were connected. "Emma!" He screams. I managed to run, hide from Jay and I met with Arie and Rhea that were outside. "What's wrong Emma?" I sigh and a tear came out." She gasps. "I'm sorry."

"Where's daddy?" Rhea asks. I kneeled down and sighed. "Sweetie daddy is going away for a little while ok he has something to do." "Why?" She asked. "I don't know why he just has too." "When will he come back?" She asked and I smiled.

"Hopefully soon sweetie." She nodded and hugged me. I looked up at Arie and I just felt like my whole life was falling apart. I just hope this isn't the end.

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