I put on some sunscreen. I bend over to put some on my legs and I hear a whistle. I look up, startled to see a guy about my age looking at me.

I roll my eyes and sit down, not giving him any more of a show. Apparently, he took that as a lead on because before I know it, he walks through the clubhouse to sit next to me on a chair.

"Why so down blondie?" He smirks.

I choose to ignore him, put my sunglasses on, and lay back in my chair, hoping to get a tan.

The guy doesn't take the hint and clears his throat. I groan and sit up. I take a chance with my sunglasses on, to give him a once over. He has brown hair and pretty big brown eyes with a well defined jawline. He's really hot. Not as hot as Josh though. Wait, why am I thinking about him?

"What can I do to get you to talk to me, blondie?" I roll my eyes as a retort. He smirks, clearly finding my annoyance funny.

I sigh and shake my head and sit back in my chair again, hoping he'll finally take the hint and leave me alone.

He clears his throat yet again. God, this guy is persistant. Either that or annoyingly oblivious. Either way, I'm tired of his stupid game, for I was planning on having a relaxing day at the pool.

That's what probably sparked me to do my next action, "W-what d-do you want?" I say in an exasperated voice.

He seems unfazed by my speech impediment. Almost like he knew it was coming. Realizing he won the game, he smirks.

"You interest me, you know that blondie?" I scoff and move to sit on the edge of the pool. I dip my feet in the water and he follows in suit.

For some reason, I'm drawn to him and want to keep up with this conversation. "I-It's Sydney," I blurt out. For some reason, I'm drawn to talking to this guy.

He holds out his hand, "I'm Matt, like you didn't already know that," I take his hand and smile a sweet smile before I flip him in the pool, catching him off guard. I let out a bark of laughter when he comes back to the surface, sputtering water. "What the the hell did you do that for?"

"B-because y-y-our an ar-r-ogant asshole," I simply respond.

He shrugs, "You'd do anything to see me wet, wouldn't you?" He says as I take a sip from my waterbottle, making me spit it out and start coughing.

He just laughs at my reaction. "No smart-ass comment now?" He smirks and with that, he grabs my feet and pulls me into the pool. I let out a screech because the temperature is freezing. "By the way, how the hell did a little thing like you manage to flip me in the pool."

"P-practice?" I shrug.

Then I hear a scream, coming coming from one of the kids in the pool. Immediately, I turn around, worried that someone was hurt. I smile when I realize that their playing a game of chicken fight.

There is a boy and a girl, probably both around the age of fourteen on one team and two girls around the age of twelve on the other team. Matt swims up to them and I follow him cautiously.

"Can we play with you guys?" He asks.

The older girl looks at the boy and they both nod their heads in unision.

Then the boy turns to Matt, "You guys can join, but you're going down."

Matt laughs, "Oh you're on."

Before I know it, I'm on top of Matt's shoulders, fighting against a fourteen year old and a twelve year old and they're winning. This is not how I was expecting my morning to go.

After four rounds, I hear a little girl run through the clubhouse and near the pool, "Brianna, Jake, Mom wa-" She stops as she sees Matt and smiles a sweet smile. "Hi, my name's Mia."

Matt laughs and shakes her hand, "I'm Matt."

Mia looks over to the other kids, "That's Brianna, my sister and that's Abby, her friend," she points to the two twelve years olds, "And that's Jake and Riley, they're dating," She points to the two fourteen year olds.

Riley blushes a deep red and the rest of the kids say hi.

"Are you two dating?" Mia asks.

I let out a bark of laughter and Matt shakes his head no.

After a while the kids leave and it's just Matt and I. I get out of the pool to read my new book about rocks and minerals while Matt starts swimming Laps around the pool. All in all, it was a good day, I got a sunny day, avoided crowds, and met a new friend.

A/N: okay, so I know I have not written in a while and when I say a while, I mean like months which is really bad. Today, I just felt like I needed to publish something because I realized that this story has gotten over 500 reads, 63 likes, and 6 comments!!! Most of you reading this would probably think I'm stupid for being excited about this, but I'm honestly excited because it's a start. So thank you to my readers so much!!!

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