Life And Conflict

35 4 1

Author: RetroDude7
Category: Poetry

Please can you drop the username of who ever made your cover, its so cool. Although your real name instead of username will make it more professional.

Well your synopsis is okay.

The only issue I had is when you used the word 'fucking'. After I read that, my brain just began rapping the rest. What I mean is, it started seeming like a rap verse while reading, and maybe when you were writing too.
I might be wrong.

Okay I am kind of convinced you were rapping the chapter of your poem called 'Man Up' when you were writing. LOL I always make that mistake when I attempt too write a poem. It just turns into a rap verse for me.

Like I said in a previous poetry review, I don't know poetry guidelines very well. So I won't start saying things I don't know which will just make me look stupid.

But what I do know is I love the poems. You made them tell a story of an issue that is predominant in this era. Nice work.

Next: Fallen

Something helpful
So I was just reading the comments on this poetry's last chapter, and someone commented called HelpServices. So I went to there profile and saw that they do editing services and other things. I got excited because I now know where am going to send my book for editing. So I just wanted to share with you guys in case you are looking for people to edit your book.

Check out there profile HelpServices

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