Insanity: Explained

55 4 3

Author: YoThokiChan
Category: Mystery/Thriller

This is my favorite category so I looked forward to reading this. I love the image on the cover, I love the cover in a whole. The only flaw is using your username instead of your real. Well the truth is, that's fine if you don't intend on publishing, after all its Wattpad.

I like the synopsis, and the vocabulary been used. I think you should put the last two paragraphs of the synopsis in maybe italics. I got confused when I started reading it thinking it was part of the story synopsis.

Wow so far I am loving this book. It captivated me from the very first paragraph.

Your POV is done well however your tenses change as the chapter progress. It makes it hard to pinpoint his exact location, relative to an object been discussed about. Like the case with the door you said, 'maybe the door was just a fake'. This gives an impression he is backing the door and not before it. I am wrong if in the process of forcing the door open, it shattered into pieces, then its past tense.

Like in paragraph 11 of the second part of the chapter where you said 'another weird thing was'. It should be 'is'.

Generally I love your chapter, so much brain work involved. I have a clear picture of what the room looks like. Don't stress yourself on editing yet, finish writing your chapters and if you notice anything you can change, change. After your done you can send it out for professional editing, people here on Wattpad maybe be willing to help.

I see potential in this book so far.

Thanks for all the comments, votes and requests. I seriously didn't expect it to escalate to this level. So thank you all very much :) So far all the books I have read are just amazing. I tried writing today and things just flowed. I've really grown thanks to y'all.

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