"Love you too, mom, bye."

"Good-bye Meggie."

The call ended, and I was alone in the house. I went to get a snack, but I couldn't eat knowing that my sister could possibly loose her baby; my niece or nephew. I ran upstairs into Skie's room, and searched for the composition notebook with her list of baby names. I found the duck tape covered notebook, and thumbed through it.

I am going to assume that she already has given up on not knowing the sex of her child. The pages with the boy names were already crossed out. I flipped further through the notebook and came across the list of girl names.













Skie had stopped writing, but she had put an asterisk symbol next to the name Lillianna. I smiled at the name, and started to picture the little girl. I could see a little blonde girl running across the beach, her bright green eyes reflecting the sun and ocean.

I shook my head, and smiled, I couldn't wait until Skie had her daughter. I put the notebook back on the nightstand next to her bed then walked out of the room. I thought about the homework that Mr. Caston had given us, I was about half-way done, but there was still a bit of research that I still had to do. I wanted to take a walk on the beach before it got to late out.

I walked back downstairs, made sure the front door was locked, grabbing my phone and key to the back door, I locked the glass doors then started down the wooden stairs of the deck onto the grass then onto the beach.

I didn't have any shoes on, so I could feel the sand between my toes, and for a while, I just stood in the sand, watching the sun set. After a while, I started to run towards the water. When I reached the waters' edge, I felt the cool ocean water rush over my feet. I smiled and ran into the ocean, stopping when the water reached my knees. I pulled out my phone and managed to capture the essence of the perfect  sunset.

The sun was setting which meant that I had been in Skie's room for over an hour, and that I had to get started on my history project that was due in about a week. I turned away from the water, and started to walk back up the beach towards the house. I noticed a light was on in the kitchen, and I quickly crept up the stairs, unlocked the door and circled the kitchen. 

"Who's here?" I called out softly; I heard a muffled response,

"Meghers, is that you?"

"Connor, are you home? Where are you?" I called out again. I saw him appear in the doorway. I ran and threw myself at my brother.

"Hey small-fry. How are you?"

"I've been better, how are Skie and her baby?" I asked burring my head in his shoulder.

"Well, I left just as they were going to be tested, and mom promised to call as soon as they were finished." he whispered, holding me. We stood there for a little while; I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

Then, the phone started to ring, and I seemed to jump out of my skin. Connor smiled at me, let me down  

and went to answer the phone. I didn't want to follow him, so I walked back into the kitchen to find something to eat. I could still hear Connor's anxious voice in the next room. I just tried to tune him out, and started to look for some of the leftover Gnocchi from a few nights ago. I heard Connor come back into the room. 

"Connor, do you want any-," before I could say anything else, I saw his face. Tears were falling from his  

eyes, staining his cheeks.

"Megh, mom just called... it doesn't look good. The doctor's don't think that she is going to make it through the night."

I felt as if I couldn't breathe. I was about to possibly lose my sister, because the doctors couldn't tell for sure if she was going to survive the night.

"What about the baby... what are they going to do about the baby?" I asked, my voice cracking just thinking about the outcome.

"They've preformed a C-Section just as a precaution. Skylare has a baby girl with the name of Lillianna  

Jessica Richmond. Mom told me to tell you not to worry, just to remind you that you should probably think about going to bed early. You have to get up and go to school early tomorrow."

"She's already had the baby?! I think I might be able to relax now, so I'm going to bed before anything else happens, I can't eat anything. 'Night Connor." I said kissing his cheek lightly then walking up the stairs to my room.

I changed out of my wet jeans into comfy pj pants and a tee-shirt. I crawled into bed, saying a heart-filled prayer for Skie to survive what had infected her. I fell asleep thinking about my little niece, who might never get to meet her mom.

When I woke up the next morning, and I instantly knew something was wrong.

"Connor, Connor where are you?" I called running out of my room.

"Meghan, Meghan, I have something to tell you." Connor told me, catching me as I flew down the stairs.

"What? What's wrong? Is she okay, is Skie alive?" I cried wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Meghan, she has a chance, the infection is strong. Mom was with her when they moved her to ICU. Skylare got to meet her daughter at least. The doctors are watching her closly, but her chances are improving!"

(A/N So that is the end of Chapter 12. What did everyone think? I think I like this ending better than the first!)

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