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If you didn't already notice I changed the title. Thought it was more fitting.


Matt was right, security sucked. Easier for us. Matt grabbed keys off some guy after practically getting fucked against the wall and stabbing him. He unlocked an empty cell.

"Doesnt look like any ones been here for awhile." Ghost points at a pile of bones."

Matt sticks the key into the wall and with my help opens it. Inside as a nice hallway and a bunch of doors.

"Don't open any until we're sure which one it is."

He walks straight to one and puts his ear to it.

"Ghost you can feel our kids energies right?" He nods and walks closer.

"Dante is, not sure of the other two."

"Now we hope Michaels not in there."

Our hope was gone when we busted through that door. Ash ran to Angelo, but Dante was struggling against a guard and Michael had a knife at Dexters throat.

"You finnaly made it." He laughs. "Now Matt if you wouldn't mind standing behind me so I can take your brother these boys won't get hurt."

"I've trapped you before I'll do it again." Matt holds up the jar.

"Ah see but you'd have to kill me first."

"That can be arranged." I pull Matt back.

"If I let you take me without a fight you let everyone including Matt go."

"Nah." More guards swarm in grabbing Ghost and Angelo. Now would be a great time for the guys to magically appear, not that they've ever had great timing.

Michael digs a blade into the base of Dexters wing. Surprisingly he didn't make a sound. Dante and Ghost were exchanging looks, I knew what that meant.

White blinding light shot through the room, Angelo joined in to make it more pure. The demons hissed and fell to the ground. Dante ran to the corner unnoticed by everyone except me.

Michael shoved the blade deeper into Dexters back. This time he screamed and it made my blood boil with rage.

"The rest of you go." I told the others. I kissed Ghost, glancing in the corner Dante was in. He nods and backs out with the others.

"You do realize I have guards waiting outside."

"We'll take our chances." Angelo grabs Ash and walks straight out with no hesitation. I guess the guys do have good timing.

"This really isn't going as planned." Michael states the obvious. "I suggest you surrender or else your boys gonna have a blade through the spin. Which  would be a shame, he such a pretty little thing. He's got you eyes don't you think."

I put my hands up and walk towards him. He threw Dexter aside and grabbed me. Dexter grabbed his side and crawled away.

"Don't go far little boy, I want you for later."

He pushes a blade into the base of my wings. He completely missed any nerves but I scream anyway and slump so he had to hold me up. Anytime now.

His weight gets pushed forward and falls on his face. I get out of the way just in time, Dante was ontop of him, a long dagger sunk deep into his back. Dexter jumped up and kicked him in the face. I grab his arms and twist them back. That was easy. 

Matt flies in, I hand him my knife. He kneels in front of Michael and puts his head in his lap.

"Daddy I loved you. It hurts me to do this because of who you were not who you've become."

"Matt you don't have to do this." Michael begs.

"But I do." The knife sinks into Michaels chest. His spirit lifts and is sucked into the orb above Matt and into the jar.

I put my arms around my boys and lead them out to give Matt a minute. I fuss over their small injuries, there wasn't much to be done for Dexters wings until we got home.

The guys had cleared out the way out so getting out was easy. Kuza had to carry Matt, he was mentally drained. I held Dexter up most of the way.

Chaos was able to levitate everyone up the tunnels otherwise there was no way we'd be getting out.


As we got closer to the hotel I felt lightheaded. I tried to keep it together but the ground got closer and blackness took over.


After daddy passed out dad freaked out. Draven picked up Dexter who had gone down with him and brought him to Jasper. Ryan Ashley fixed him up. Turns out the hotel was attacked but minimal damage was done. Storm ran out and hugged me before going to Ash. Much to everyone's surprise they finnaly kissed. It was adorable of course. Salem picked me up, I giggled and kissed him in front of everyone making him blush. He fussed over my little cuts and bruises.
"Baby I'm ok, I need to see if my dad's ok."

The dark energy had gotten to him. Me having some light could help some. Anything would help. Storm and Jasper were already next to him. I added just enough to get him to wake up.

Dad and Dexter came in and sat on the bed with us. I wiped a smudge of lipstick off Dexters lip and smirk. He glares playfully at me.

Now that hell would no longer be after us, for sure this time we could all relax and go back to how it was before.

Sorry if this was a sucky chapter. Next chapter will probably be the last because I think this story has gone on long enough and it took alot of unexpected turns and strayed way off my original plot. Hope you enjoyed:)

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