part two

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*Ghosts pov*

I step out of the shower and starts pulling pjs on. I reach for my shirt and throw it across the room.

What the fuck

I look at my hand, is that fucking blood

I wash my hand off and walk out the door after burying the shirt in the garbage.

"Bathrooms all yours". I say to Ricky deciding not to tell him about the shirt. I didn't want to freak out my baby racoon. I lay in his spot because it was warm and I didn't feel like looking for a shirt.

*vinnys pov*

Great I got stuck with Chris, I like Chris but he snored really loudly and was currently jumping on the bed shrieking like a little kid.

I roll my eyes in mock annoyance and lay down on the other bed. Chris suddenly flies off the bed, crashing to the ground. I jump up to make sure he's ok.

"Something fucking pushed me man!"

"Yeah, ok." I say not believing him.

I notice he's looking at my chest with wide eyes so I look down.

"What the hell." I rip my shirt off, there's no way it was mine. I look over at the bed I was laying in . The white blankets were drenched in blood.

Chris grabs my arm and yanks me out of the room down the hall, hopefully Josh doesn't mind us staying with him.

*rickys pov*

I sit on the bed drying my hair. Ghost looked a little uneasy.

"Whats up?" I ask concerned.

"Nothing, just tired."


I decide to let it go for now. He just way to quiet, usually he talks when it's just me and him. I open my mouth to speak again but cut myself off when I see that he passed out. I smile and cover him with his fuzzy blanket which he snuggles into. I lay down next to.him and close my eyes but sleep just wasn't coming. I stare at the ceiling, there was a little spot on it and it seemed to be growing, very interesting in my sleep deprived mind. The spot grew again. I shook my head but it kept growing.

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