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I sat on the rooftop after sneaking away from the craziness inside. Laying on my back I look at the stars peaking out from behind dark clouds. I remember Ricky and I coming up here all the time. It was peaceful.

I sense someone near me and sit up. Seeing it was just Angelo I relaxed, we sat in silence both thinking of the same thing.

Rickys been gone for over 24 hours, where the fuck is he.

* * *


After witnessing what just happened I needed to think. And the hotel wasn't going to be the best place to do that right now.

My brother had always been kind and selfless. When we were kids he was the one who taught me to fly, he was always with me making sure I was safe and happy. I looked up to him, he was the perfect brother and I loved him. Before we fell I'd noticed a change in him, he isolated himself from me, he was no longer his happy cheerful self. His eyes no longer had that light in them, in fact looking back on it, they were dead, as if something had killed him from inside. He wasn't Regan anymore.

But what was he and more importantly, how did I get him back. Not being able to wrap my brain around the situation I decided it was about time to head back. I missed Ghost and he was probably worried by now.

I fly back, admiring the stars as I went. I hadn't flown this high in awhile and it felt good, it felt free like nothing was wrong. I stop right above the hotel, Ghost and Angelo were sitting together. I admired how the light shone on Ghosts hair and the way his skin glowed under moonlight. After after a few minutes I decide to stop being a creep and landed quietly behind them. I wrap my arms around him from behind. He jumped and turned around.

"How long have you been here."

"Couple minutes."

"Creep." Angelo jokes.

"You who watches Chris sleep." Ghost teases.

I laugh at their arguing.

"We need to all talk, its important."

They realize the seriousness in my tone and stop picking at each other.

"I'll go get Chris up."

Me and Ghost round up the rest of the guys downstairs and wait for Chris and Angelo to come down.

"Watching him sleep again."

"What?" Questions Chris.

"Shut up."

Ghost hides behind me, it was nice to be around people who could be serious one minute and childish the next. It was a nice little break from all that was going on.

"So what did we need to talk about?"

I explain to them what happened at the cliff, and why it took so long getting back, leaving out the small part where I broke down sobbing.

"So what you're saying it that our brother isn't actually our brother and that we have to somehow get him back to prevent war from breaking out and destroying everything."

I sometimes forget that Matt never meet Regan. When I was young my mother threw herself from heaven to be with a demon. So Matt was half demon half Angel. I didn't know I had a little brother until I also fell and we ran into each other on earth and tried to kill one another. By some chance he recognized me and stopped. He said I reminded him of his mother who had been killed by his father. Turns out we had the same mother. I was saddened to hear that she'd been killed even though she'd left me. Turns out Matt wanted revenge but knew he couldn't kill his father himself so he'd was looking for help. I wasn't interested in avenging my mother but he was my little brother and I felt responsible for him. It wasn't long before we loved each other like brothers, because well we were. Since then we've been inseparable.

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

Ghost falls to the floor pulling at his hair. I rush to his side, he must be having another vision.

"Monsters. . ... war...... Regan. ....Michael.. ... fuck."

"Baby what did you see."

"The demons are already on their way, its to late to plan just get ready to fight."

"Chris, go find Ash and the boys they know how to find more witches that live in the woods. Angelo and Ghost, I need you to get the witches we already have and start making a force field to hold them off longer, I'll send some winged creatures to get you when they break through it. Ryan and Vinny unlock the rooms to the weapons and start handing them out. Balz and Ryan Ashley start putting creatures in place, strongest in the front with swords, archers behind them. Witches behind them, younger in the back, sorcerers surrounding the out side."

They all nod and run off. I turn to Kuza. "I need you to take Matt upstairs and out of sight. I'll signal to you when to bring him out. Matt I need you to stay here until I say." I say sternly, praying he'll actually listen." While you're waiting I need you to get your wings out and working."

"When Ghost had that vision he said the name Michael... I believe that's my father, do you think he's the one who could have possessed Regan. He was always talking about how he wanted to take over the world but I never thought he actually had the means of doing it."

"Wait, you're father's that Michael. The original fallen Angel."

Matt nods like its the most obvious thing in the world.

"So Satan himself is possessing my brother, that's just fucking great."

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