20 years have passed. Ghost and Ricky had two more boys after the twins, Dante then Storm. Angelo and Chris had another boy after Draven, naming him ash. Balz and Ryan Ashley had a girl named Scarlett and a boy named Salem. Matt and Kuza became parents to Winter.


"You can do it babe, just grab my hand and focus on me." I say trying to coax Dante off the roof. He was 17 now but had trouble learning to fly. His wings were rather small and weak. He huffs, pushing cottoncandy colored hair out of his eyes.

"Daddy we've been doing this for hours and haven't gotten anywhere."

"Alright, but we're still gonna keep trying."

He runs off, probably to find Salem. I fly down to the twins who were sitting in a tree.

"What trouble are you two plotting?"

"Nothing daddy." Jasper gives me his innocent eyes. Something's definitely up. I don't even want to know.

"Have you guys seen Storm anywhere?"

"Nope." Was the only reply given. Thanks guys very helpful.

Storm was our more quiet shy one, Dante was like that to but like Ghost could be outgoing when he felt like it. Dexter being the loudest of the four, was a bit of a trouble maker. Jasper was sweet but had an edge. Overall they were all very sweet boys and I loved them dearly.

I found Storm in the kitchen with Angelo. He was teaching him how to do more lighter magic with herbs and spells for healing like he did. He was doing fairly well for a beginner. I sat and watched for awhile until Storm noticed and jumped.

"I didn't know you were there."

"Your dad's a creep like that."

Storm laughs and hugs me, "did you need anything."

"Just checking on everyone." I kiss the top of his head. "Also I got bored after Dante insisted we stop."

"Maybe I could try helping him."

"You can try but do it on the ground, I don't need you two falling off the roof."

There was yelling outside, sounded like Scarlett. What did Dexter do now. I sigh and go to stop whatever was going on.

I try not to laugh at the scene in front of me. Bad parenting Ricky bad. Scarlett was covered in mud and leaves, she had Dexter tied up in vines. She was doing good in magic, Ryan Ashley taught her well.

"Alright kids knock it off, Scarlett untangle him. Dexter apologize and get her a towel."

Balz walks up and starts laughing, I elbow him in the side.
"Bad parenting Balz, bad."

"Oh right sorry." He puts a hand over his mouth. Once the two are gone we laugh.

"I wonder when those two are going to admit they like each other."

"Hopefully soon, I don't know how much longer I can handle this." I answer.

Life in the hotel had significantly brightened with all these crazy kids running around. We're an odd bunch but we're a family.

Dexter comes back out and we pull him aside.

"Dude stop pissing her off and make a move."

"Um.." he pulls at his sleeve, he wasn't usually shy so he must really like her.

"Have your brother help you." Balz suggests.

"I'll think about it." Dexter walks off.

I look around for more kids, seeing none I go up to see what Ghost was up to.

"Hey baby doll , what's up." He was looking at Dantes wings.

"Putting some sage on his wings, sometimes dark energy gets trapped places and weakens it. Try holding his hands, you have the most positive energy here."

I didn't think it would work but it was worth a shot. I concentrate my energy towards Dante but I could already tell it wasn't working.

Ghost kept trying but nothing was happening.

"I'm sorry hun, this doesn't seem to be working but we'll keep trying different things."

"Ok." He mumbles, poor kid was the only one of our kids who wasn't able to fly no matter how hard he tried. "I'm gonna see what Salems doing."

Ghost sighs and flops on the bed. "I'm running out of ideas of how to help him."

"He'll get it eventually babe don't worry to much. Today he was able to get a foot off the ground for a good thirty seconds."

"That's an improvement. How are the rest of the boys?"

"Well Dexter keeps flirting with Scarlett and Storms with Angelo."

"So we have a few minutes we don't have to worry about them needing us."

"I guess so." I smirk


Chris and Draven were getting a bit rough for my liking but I didn't want to spoil their fun. They were still laughing and no one was bleeding... yet.

"Chris, don't hurt my baby."

"Dont worry babe we're just messing around."

How comforting

My other baby was sitting beside me with a notebook writing down things from a spell book. He slept through my lesson with Storm earlier.

"Ash you feeling ok, you've been sleeping a lot lately."

"Yea, just not sleeping good lately. Bad dreams."

I had heard him whimpering but it always stopped so I figured he was ok.

He sets his head on my shoulder, I pet his hair to put him to sleep. Once he's sleeping I carry him to Storm's room so he'd stay sleeping. They always had a close bond and everyone thought it was cute.

I guess I'll start dinner. I threw some pizza in the oven and heated some broccoli. We can at least try to be healthy. I thaw out a blood bag for Winter, she's a picky eater.

"I smell food." Chris looks over my shoulder. I shove a piece of broccoli in his mouth.

"Well that's disappointing." He reaches in the freezer and puts a bag of corn on his leg.

"Draven finnaly got you."

"Yup." Draven smirks.

"I let you win."

"Sure you did." I tease. "Go tell everyone to get their asses down here for dinner."


Dinner was eventful as always. Ryan kept stealing Vinnys food. Dexter managed to get melted cheese in Scarletts hair from across the table. Dante and Ghost were arguing over who got Rickys lap, they eventually settled for a leg each. Ricky just sat there talking to Jasper who kept getting distracted by Draven. All the while I just sat calmly and put broccoli on my pizza.

After dinner was done and everything was cleaned up Winter went out to hunt, blood bags weren't enough. The rest of us decided to watch a movie. We choose night at the museum and Edward scissor hands. Sometime in there Ash and Storm fell asleep on each other. Vinny was going to poke at them but me and Ghost glared at him. Dexter was trying to make moves on Scarlett but she was still mad about the cheese situation. I noticed Draven and Jasper sitting closer than normal but didn't think much of it. Ghost and Dante were curled up on either side of Ricky. Salem had his head on Dantes lap, they would make a scary yet cute couple. Dantes very sweet and adorable but could also be terrifying and ruthless. Salem liked dark magic, I could already tell he would be a master at it, but he was sweet enough.

By the time Winter got back everyone but Matt and I had fallen asleep. She was drenched in blood but didn't have any injuries. Matt fussed over her while I took her bloody clothes to be washed. I noticed two small punctures in one of her sleeves. I'd have to ask her about that tommorow.

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