part 6

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I gasp and lean back, by the look on Ghosts face he'd seen it to. He grabs my shoulders and kisses me deeply. Our memories came flooding back. Of me and him being together. Of rain pouring down and what I recognized as me, Ghost, Chris, Ryan, vinny, and two others I couldn't make out.

I hear someone clear their throat and realized I'm still kissing Ghost. "What did you see?" Ryan asks.

"Turns out we've known each other much longer than we thought."

"What do you mean?" I turn to Chris. "It means that we need to get all our memories back. In one of my visions I saw us running into the night, it was pouring rain and there was a bunch of creatures behind us. We were going to fight against Reagan but it got cut off before I could see what happened. There was two others in the front with us. One of them was about my size, smaller maybe with dark hair, he was next to me and the other was a bit shorter than Ryan with long dark hair, and standing next to Chris. I think its important to find out who they are."

"How are we supposed to do that when we're trapped in a creepy old hotel?" Asks a still scared Balz. "Actually we're in the right place. Follow me."

I walk down the now familiar looking hallways. I open a hidden door to a stair case that lead to the basement.

"I don't wanna go down there." I look up at a worried Vinny. "Its alright Vin, I know what I'm doing, I think." Ryan gently grabs his hand and pulls him along. There came a part in the stairs were it branched out in several directions, now I had no idea where to go. Luckily Ghost seemed to remember something because he grabbed my hand and lead us down one until we reached a door, which of course had to be locked. I stare at it dumbly, not knowing what to do. Chris gently tugs on the chain around my neck, "could this be at all useful." I'm silent for a minute until I understand what he was saying,
"I'm an idiot"
I hear snickering behind me as I take the chain off and put the skeleton key that was attached to it into the key hole. I hear a click and push it open. I'm greeted by dust clouds and spider webs. I blindly feel around the wall for a torch. I finnaly find one and light it with my lighter and use it to light the others as the guys walk in and stare off into space.
I hear an inhuman shriek and wip around to see Ghost jumping up and down excitedly. "Its all my spell books and crystals, everything's here." I smile and wrap my arm around his waist.

"You guys starting to remember this place?"

"Isnt this where we lived?" Vinny asks.

"Yup, us and all the creatures lived up on the rooms. Down here was kinda like a lab where Ghost and some other witches tried spells to help improve abilities and heal those who got sick or hurt fighting my brothers monsters."

"How does that work exactly, like the fighting, is it a full blown war or what?" Asks Balz.

"Well from what I can remember the big war was already fought. Nobody won so that led to alot of us from both sides being sent to earth to fight over individual people. Like if I was to see a monster try to scare a kid by making noises and creepy shit like that then I would try to get them out of there. The more monsters we kill the better off humans are. But Reagan must have done something to keep us away for so long. Those rooms that we were in earlier must be infected by them. Maybe that's what's keeping the creatures trapped inside. The real question is how do we release them."

"I think I have an idea." Chris walks farther into the room. Balz follows him with a torch. Chris feels around the wall and pries a piece of wood from it revealing a small room with two coffin like boxes insude. I feel an energy pulling me towards it. Chris walks to the slightly bigger one and I go to the other. I notice locks on them so I toss my key necklace to Chris who then waited for me to get mine unlocked. I look at him silently counting down from three and throwing the lids open at the same time.

I gasp and step back, inside there was a boy a bit smaller and younger than me. He had pale skin and dark hair similar to mine. I noticed a slight movement in his chest, he was breathing.



I gasp at the beauty I just uncovered. His skin pale and raven black hair. His face so peaceful, yet restless. I trailed my finger from his nose down to his perfect full lips. I feel a weak puff of air from his nose. I close my eyes and try to remember why I feel so close to him. I open my eyes to the shock of bright blue ones looking up at me.


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