I knew there had to be some part of Matt that still cared about his dad. He never took off the necklace, which I understood. But when I asked him to take it off so we could hide it he refused.

"Matt if they find you with it on they'll take you to. I need you to be safe and wearing that isn't going to help."

He huffed and clutched it tighter. I didn't want to force it from him and I hated it when we fought so I went to find Kuza. If anyone could get something out of that stubborn little shit it was him.

Ghost waddled towards me holding his rather large stomach. My smile fades when I see the panicked look on his face.

"What's wrong, is it the baby." I set a hand on his stomach.

"No, carry me up to our room."

I pick him up, it gotten awkward with his stomach in the way. He open the door to the small balcony. On it was a severed head of a dog. A warning.

Putting it in a bag I pick up Ghost and carry him to the basement. I didn't want him up there right now and figured Ryan Ashley could take a look at it.

"This was on our balcony, could you take a look at it?"

"It's a hound." She sticks her hand down its throat. "And this is a bat."

"Meaning their after Chris, Kuza and my baby brother."

"And Michael." She pulls out a small jar identical to the one Matt wore with Michael's spirit trapped inside.

Angry, I punch the wall which really fucking hurt. Ghost grabs my arm before I can do it again. He calmly sits me down and wraps my hand, it was bleeding pretty bad.

"Punching brick walls isn't going to solve anything and you need to take a few deep breaths and calm down so you can think clearly."

He was right, I did as told and kissed him and the cute baby bump. The calmness didn't last long because at that moment Vinny came running in with blood on his shirt.

"Ryan got attacked, we can't wake him up."

Upstairs there's a group surrounded around what I assume to be Ryan. I push through them and drop next to him. He was dead still and his body felt hard and cold. The only signs he wasn't dead was his chest was moving slightly and the wound on his arm was bleeding. Vinny was putting pressure on it, poor guy was barely holding back tears.

"Vin why don't you step back, Chris will take over."

He nods letting Chris pick Ryan up. He could hardly pick him up which was surprising, he's a strong guy. Balz helped getting up to his room. A few creatures followed, they'd take care of him.

"Vinny what happened." Instead of answering he cried. I tried to comfort him but it wasn't working. I was thankful when Ghost came to calm him.

"We were walking by the woods when a gargoyle flew by and picked him up. Ryan's did something and it dropped him, I dragged him home. I couldn't pick him up, he was to heavy." He starts crying again, it really shook him up.

Ghost walks away to comfort him while I go to see the progress on Ryan.

His arm was fixed up but his skin was turning gray and his chest was now still. I lift up his shirt to see a small puncture from the gargoyles claw. That's what's turning him into stone. The reason why they choose him, who was a gargoyle himself, I don't know but it couldn't mean anything good.

In the hallway Kuza stops me.

"It wasn't easy but I got it. He isn't happy so I have to go make it up to him."

I smirk. "Thank you, Ryan got attacked earlier. I think he'll be ok but just be on guard at all times and don't let Matt out of your sight."


There were lower levels under the basement and that's where I hid the small jar. Ryan Ashley put a spell on the room so no one could enter unless she broke it. I planned on keeping it there for a long time.


The tears running down Vinnys face eventually stopped. He was still upset but as long as I held him he seemed alright. Rocking back and forth I sing him a little song. The baby kicked making him giggle. He set a hand on my stomach to feel it moving.

"When you have the baby can i help out alot?" He looked at me hopefully.

"Of course." I smile, Vin would be great with kids but sadly he wasn't able to have them. He would just have to settle with being an uncle.

My vision blurs and I push Vinny away. I see hundreds of demons, hell hounds and gargoyles. Gargoyles were the most dangerous of all of them. They were incredibly strong and were almost impossible to kill. We're were easily outnumbered. There was no way we could fight against that.

My vision clears, Vinny helped me up. The baby kicked hard, the stress was getting to me.

"I need to lay down, could you find Ricky and tell him to come when he's not busy?"

He helps me get comfortable on the couch since I didn't feel comfortable in our room alone and runs off to find him. Angelo sits on the floor handing me some tea. It helped me relax a bit.

"I know it's a bad time but can i tell you something."

I nod already knowing what he was going to say.

"It's been about three months now, we weren't exactly planning it because of what's happening but I'm pregnant."

"I could tell, does Chris know." He nods.

"How do you feel?"

"A little sick, but we're both very excited but worried about what's going to happen. I don't want to bring a child into a disaster."

"I don't either, but I know Ricky will make sure we're together and that's all that matters." I was trying to stay positive even though I was panicking myself. Stress wasn't good for me or the baby. I just hoped it wouldn't put me into an early labor.

Ricky rushed over to me.

"I came as soon as I could, are you ok?"

I told him of my vision and watched as his already pale face pale even more.

"There's no way we can fight that even if we had more creatures. We can't hide either."

Another vision takes over.

"We need to wake Ryan."

Sorry if that was shitty, but now Angelos pregnant! I need baby name ideas, I haven't decided on genders yet but I'm looking for different names. Make sure to comment:)

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