part 3

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*balz pov*

Me and Ryan were laying on opposite beds throwing random shit at each other. The tv didn't work and the WiFi sucked so there was nothing better to do. After awhile all the pillows end up on the floor and we're both to lazy to get up so we just lay there in silence.

There's a loud thump and I jolt up. I look around the room until my eyes land on the window. It had a big crack in it and some dark liquid oozing out of it. I walk over to it, Ryan right behind me. I poke to window quickly and timidly.

"What is it?"

"Its bloo.."

My voice is drownded out by deafening thumps and shattering glass. My vision is blurred by small fluttering black objects.

Crows were flooding into the room but dying as soon as they passed through the window.

Ryan yanks me away from the window and drags my to the hall.

"Lets find a different room, preferably with out windows."

*Rickys pov*

Almost midnight and still couldn't sleep. Well the sucks, at least ghost can sleep.....spoke to soon. He starts yelling and screaming, I try to calming him down after I'm able to grab a hold of his arms to keep him still. Ghosts eyes fly open

"We need to get out of here now!"

He's still panicking and breathing heavily so I wrap my arms around him.

"Its alright, just a bad dream." I attempt to comfort him but I myself was beginning to panic.

"No, its going to happen."

"Whats going to happen?"

He hurries his head into my chest and doesn't reply. There's a soft knock on the door and balz and Ryan walk in, both looking curious when they see the position we're in then concernd once they realize that ghost was having a mental breakdown.

"We were wondering if we could stay with you guys, I see you're already sharing a bed..."

Ryan cuts in," some suicidal birds decided to crash through our window and there's no one at the desk to get us another room."

I nod my head, not prossesing anything they just said and pull my attention back to ghost, ignoring the smug looks from balz.

Sorry for it being so short but I thought I'd update since I noticed people actually started reading this :) what do you think ghosts dream was. Ideas anyone?

Secrets in The HotelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora