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Averi POV

I woke up to complete darkness. It wasn't like the room was dark, I just couldn't see. I quickly started panicking after shortly realizing that I was tied up, and also remembering the reason why. It all happened the day after my shift at the club.

After my shift from yesterday night I went back to Javion's place. I noticed that Sharai was still there also, because when I went home to pick up some changing clothes she wasn't there.

Today I sat in the trap with Javion. We were making regular conversation with some more people that was there, but that was before the doorbell rang.

"That's Milly." Javion said before getting up to go answer it.

He looked through the peephole, and since it actually was Milly, he opened the door. I watched as a tall, not so buff but getting there, caramel toned guy, walked in. He dapped Javion up as they smiled in eachothers faces.

"Make sure you watch after her the whole time yall gone. She's new to this, so go easy." I heard Javion tell Milly.

Milly nodded, "you know I will." Him and Javion walked over to where I was, and I stood up.

"Hey, I'm Averi." I greeted.

He grinned, "I know. You know who I am, or do I have to introduce myself?" he asked while keeping the grin on his face.

I slowly nodded, "I know who you are, Milly." I slightly smiled back.

Before any more words were exchanged between me and him, Javion spoke up. "Okay, yall both ready?" he asked us both.

I nodded as I grabbed the things that I was bringing along with me for these three days. Three long days of getting things for boss, and now also trying to figure out where some of his workers were brought to after trying to get back at Smiley.

"Well lets go, my things are already in the car." Milly said.

I nodded and gave Javion a hug before walking out of the door. Milly and I walked towards his black truck, and got inside. I decided to get in the back since I still wasn't comfortable with him.

"You could've got in the front baby girl." Milly told me.

I let out a small, low chuckle, "no I'm fine." I replied.

"Aight," he said while starting the car up. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable. So just act as if you were with Javion. That's my nigga, I knew him for a while now."

I sighed, "okay, I guess I'll try." I watched as he started taking the rode to where we was told to take.

It was silent while I continued to watch out of the front window. Then all of a sudden, he turned on a different rode. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Um, you turned the wrong way." I told him before he could drive any further.

His eyes widened, "Oh sorry, let me know if I keep going the wrong way." He started to make a u-turn. He backed up into an alley, and the car stopped. I was confused as I waited for him to continue to make the turn back the right way.

I saw his grip tighten on the wheel, as he looked forward. "Are you gonna--" Before I could finish he opened his door and he got out.

I watched him from outside the window as he walked over to the backseats door. I scooted over a little, getting nervous. He opened the door harshly, and climbed inside.

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