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                   Averi POV

"So Javion, when we leaving?" I asked as me and Javion sat in his room. I was standing in his mirror and putting my hair in a bun.

Yesterday was the day that I started working at the Strip Club downtown. I didn't start until night though. After I had picked
Sharai up and brought her back her phone, I was planning on hanging out but I seen that Ramir kept her company.

Today I had work from eight to twelve, which was enough time for me to make my money and try to get into to 'Smiley's' little office. They had told me that it wasn't going to be easy, and that it would take longer than just a few days there, but I had my own plans.

"You might not be leaving with me, Ave." he replied to me.

I turned around from looking in the mirror, and stared at him. He was counting money while sitting on his bed, but soon stopped when he felt my stares.

"What do you mean? I'm not going with anyone else." I replied.

"You're gonna have to go with Milly." he simply said.

"Who's Milly?" I asked with an raised eyebrow.

He continued to count his money and then spoke, "an old friend of Boss's that just got out of Jail a few weeks ago. He's not a newbie so you will be fine." I just stood there.

"I'm gonna be gone for a few days with someone that I don't know." I replied.

"All you gotta do is go with him to do what boss told you to do. Nothings gonna happen to you, and if something does I'll be up there to get you." he said.

I sighed and nodded, turning back in the mirror to finish my top knot.

I got myself into this, so I gotta do what I'm told to do. I'll get paid most likely a great amount of money for this. They were sending me and 'Milly' out of the city to go to some guys-what I like to call it-weed shop. Being that they needed more of it, they decided to send me out on the job. So I was basically helping them out in more than one way.

"Javion this is the most sickest shit ever." I said while puffing my bun out a little. The things that I will be doing for these next few days totally disgust me. Having to get in the bed with some man because he feels like he can do whatever he wants since you're a customer, makes me sick. I don't know why I was sent though. They usually send one of their experienced workers, but I guess they're seeing if I "got what it takes" like always.

"Then why you doing it? Why you ask me to put you in on this kinda shit?" he asked with an attitude.

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't know it was kinda shit like this." I replied.

"Well I don't make the rules do I? You either go or you don't...your choice, your money." he replied.

I didn't reply, instead I just folded my arms and stared at him. I guess I was worried about my money more, because I chose to go.

"When do I leave?" I asked, breaking the silence in the room.

He looked up at me, "tomorrow."

                  Sharai POV

I sat in the kitchen, eating a hot pocket and on my phone. This whole day I've been quiet. I didn't talk to my mom because she ended up yelling at me. I mean, I couldn't keep anything from her being that I was suspended.

It was 1:56 and school would be out at 2:30. I planned to leave and go hang out with Ramir at his house since my mom was still home, but when I remembered about Daniel and I's project I cut my plans out.

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