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Sharai POV

    I was shocked out of my mind as I stared at Ramir. I didn't believe it at all. How could she have been pregnant? If she was she wouldn't have fought me...unless she didn't even know.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "all I know is that I heard it from Ezra, and he heard it from no one other than Darion. We all found out today at school when Ciara texted Darion in the middle of class." he replied.

"Did she know?" I asked.

He shook his head, "no, but when she got home she started having really bad cramps, and she thought it was her period. Turns out it wasn't that.."

I raised both of my eyebrows up and tucked in my lips. "Wow.." I said, "should I feel bad?" I asked.

He shrugged again at another one of my questions, "I don't know..I don't think so because neither you or her knew she was pregnant." he replied.

I nodded, still feeling a certain type of way. A baby's life was taken because of me and Ciara's mess.

"And she still wants a rematch?" I asked reffering to what Daniel had told me.

He nodded slowly, "yeah...that too." I rolled my eyes.

Is she stupid? I would be worrying about my lost child. Or even just thinking about what I would've done if the baby hadn't died. Even though she's to young to have a baby, and her mom probably wouldn't have let her keep it, I still would feel very bad. It was her mistake she made to not use protection, and then after she finds out that she's lost a baby that she didn't know she even had, all she's worrying about is fighting me again?

I shook my head, "I feel like I care more about the situation than she does. But oh well--on her behalf not the baby's--if she wants to fight again she needs to call me up herself." I said.

He nodded at my response. "You right. She doesn't seem to care about it at all..I mean, if she feel like she needs a rematch then you won, right?" Ramir chuckled.

I did the same, "I guess, but off this subject. Where's Averi and Javion going?" I asked, being that I had heard them both leaving just a few minutes ago.

"He's bringing her to work." he answered.

I paused for a second, "Ramir?" he looked up at me. "You know where Averi works?" I asked.

He shook his head, "nope." I nodded. I knew he at least had to have a clue, but I shook it off.

· · ·

It was the next day, still a day of no school. I had two more days to go and I would finally be back after Saturday and Sunday passes. You would think I would be happy to be away from school, but I actually wasn't. I had nothing to do.

I was going to go to work today though. I also had to finish the last part of the project. But hopefully Daniel didn't forget to turn in what I told him to.

When I left from Ramir's house last night, Averi hadn't come back from work. She texted me saying she was staying over there since she had to be to work even earlier the next morning. Good thing she was telling me where she was now. I was glad that I actually giving her a chance, and we both were being better sisters to eachother. I liked the feeling of that, being that my mom already isn't a perfect mother.

When I reached the house I walked inside. Mrs. Jefferson had left the door unlocked for me since she said she was already leaving, and I was close by.

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