16. Cry me a River

Start from the beginning

"Here's your water." I didn't know what gotten into me as I slammed the glass of water in front of him, causing small droplets to drop onto his shirt.

I'm not apologizing.

He immediately looked down at his shirt as he prepared to talk. "Ah, I wanted to come here to talk to you." He let out anxiously.

"You've said that a million times." I looked away from him as I internally rolled my eyes.

"I don't know how you're gonna take this, but, I'm sorry." He took a quick pause in between but and saying I'm sorry.

"Yea, I'm not taking it." I spoke bluntly, making his head shoot towards me, his eyes slightly widened. "There's no point in accepting an apology that's from someone I've made dead to me for a awhile now." My voice starting to get hoarse.

I could see his nonexistent heart breaking as I coldly glared at his eyes.

I sighed, taking my eyes off of him and then pointing it down at the table. "I don't know if you care at all, or even cared in the first place, but while I watched you become so loved, here I was, going through so much shit." As I spoke, a bunch of horrible memories flashed through my head, praying I don't break out in tears right now.

He remained quiet, his sharp jaw clenching at me.

My mouth made an O shape as I let out a deep breath, proceeding to talk. "That day on my 15th birthday, I was so grateful to have you as my friend, and then once you told me you wanted to stop being friends because of what people said, I just-" I took a pause as I slowly tilted my head, trying my best to control my emotions that screamed to escape. "It sucked so much because you were the only friend I could celebrate my birthday with." I sniffed as I let out a small laugh out of sadness, my eyes piercing through his. "Even the girls didn't talk to me because they started believing the rumor too."

"And the worst part is, I never did anything to anyone." He processed everything I said as I kept breathing, doing everything in my power to not cry.

There was a long pause, the more I looked at him, the more flashbacks started to hit my head like crazy. My emotions bonded together like a tornado as he looked back at me with sympathy.

I decided to keep going. "When the rumor started, I didn't have anyone. My family wasn't gonna understand if I told them, you were gone, Vanessa barely cared, and the teachers didn't care either." My eyes blinked as it stayed glued at his face. "I was so alone."

It looked as if he was about to speak, but he quickly closed his mouth shut as he looked down, hopefully realizing he fucked up.

"I had no one behind my back. I would eat by myself in the girls restroom, because god forbid if I ate in the cafeteria, everyone would've called me out on being the Amphitrite Whore." My voice started to die down, so did my spirit. "Do you understand how much shit I went through? I woke up every single day for 3 years, going to a place where everyone hated me, and then coming back home just to cry myself to sleep." My breathing got faster, my eyes slowly tearing up.

He still remained quiet, which started to make my blood boil.

"Did you care at all?" My voice started to raise, but it was still audibly broken. "Why did you care so much about what people thought! When I lost you, I felt like I lost everything! The memories! The things we did together! I was so fucking alone that words can't describe how badly I was treated! And you weren't there!" I took a quick pause to catch my breath.

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