After eating the delicious meal and cleaning it up, everyone gathers together in the living room,
"Ok kids," Kyle says, "we're going to go to the country club for a while. Where are you guys going to go to?"
"We're not too sure yet," Ally replies,
"Maybe the mall or somewhere like that?" Camila suggests,
"Damn... I was really hoping we'd end up at a strip club," Selena jokes,
"Ya... She's definitely not mine," Selena's dad, who's name is John, jokes,
"Well wherever you end up, have fun and be safe please," Anna says, focusing on Lauren and Camila,
"We will," Lauren says back to her mom. You're trying your hardest to not pay attention to her whatsoever, knowing that if you do you'll get sucked in,
"When's Dinah supposed to get here?" You ask Camila,
"Soon," she responds,
"Who's Dinah?" Normani asks, having heard your conversation,
"One of our best friends," you inform her, "I think you'll really like her, she's great,"
"I'm sure I will," Normani says with a smile,
"Well we better get going," Ally says. Before anyone can move, you hear the doorbell ring. You and Camila both rush to the door, knowing exactly who it is. Everyone else follows behind, curiously. After practically racing to the door, Camila barely beats you. Once she reaches the door, she yanks it open and jumps into Dinah's expecting arms,
    I swear they must have linked brains,
"China!" Camila yells,
"Walz!" Dinah responds with the same enthusiasm. Once she sets Camila down, you're instantly pulled into a tight hug,
"Finah!" After you speak, you feel a hand slap the back of your head. You realize Dinah had just hit you,
"Ouch! D, what the hell?"
"That's for what you put me through a few weeks ago," she says, brown eyes burning into Y/E/C. At first you're confused as to what she's talking about, but then you remember that Dinah was sort of involved with the whole break up fiasco,
"Oh yeah... Sorry about that," you genuinely say,
"It's okay. Don't let it happen again though, kay?" You instantly nod your head and she lets go of you. You turn around and see the entire family looking at you, Dinah, and Camila. Camila decides to begin the introduction,
"Everyone, this is one of our best friends, Dinah Jane Hansen. I met her in college and she's been here for me ever since. China, this is my family," Camila begins to introduce Dinah to everyone individually. She seems to be getting along with everyone quite nicely. Of course she's a bit cautious around Kyle, Anna, and Lauren, but once she talks to them she becomes much more comfortable. You notice that her and Normani have taken a fast liking to each other, just as you had predicted,
"Well, I hate to be the one to say it, but can we please go now?" Zayn asks,
"Where are we going?" Dinah questions,
"First, the mall," Lauren answers,
"Let's go then," Selena says.

After a twenty minute drive of listening to Camila and Dinah practically scream out every song that's played on the radio, you arrive at the mall. You exit the car and walk up, holding Camila's hand. You three meet the rest of the group at the front of the mall.
"So where to?" Normani asks,
"Well I don't know about all of you, but we're shopping," Selena says motioning to herself and Ariana. Normani, Ally, and Dinah agree, Zayn and Lauren say that they're going to just look around, and you and Camila are undecided,
"Come on, Mila. You know you want to do a little shopping with me," Ariana says while walking up to your girlfriend and slightly tugging her arm in an attempt to get her to go with her. Instead of moving forward, Camila takes three steps back from Ariana. You and Lauren seem to be the only people who notice the strange interaction. You send Lauren a look that says, 'Wtf? Explain please?' she just slightly rolls her eyes at Ariana behavior and shakes her head to practically tell you it's not her spot to say, them she looks away,
Ok... Now I'm really curious,
"Actually, Babe, do you think you can take me to that store you said I'd really like?" You say, trying to come up with a valid excuse as to why you can't stay with the group. In reality, you just want to talk to Camila about Ariana. Camila seems to understand and appreciate what you're trying to do,
"Oh yea! Of course. Let's go now," before you can walk away, Selena and her uncensored mouth speaks,
"Just out of curiosity, what store would that be? Victoria's Secret maybe? Are you gonna put on a little show for her, CC?" You and Camila both begin to blush and look at the ground. You can somehow feel the green eyes looking at you once again, but you refuse to look up and acknowledge her,
"Ooh I like you. Someone is finally able to embarrass Y/C/S/N (yours and Camila's ship name) as well as me. Are you by chance the prankster of the family?" Dinah asks with a smirk,
"Of course I fucking am," Selena responds with pride in her voice,
"Fantastic..." Dinah says with a devious tone,
"Well let's meet back here in an hour ok?" Camila says. Before anyone can respond, your girlfriend is already dragging you away.

Who Should I Choose? (Camren/You)Where stories live. Discover now