Chapter 35

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Emily panicked.
What was she supposed to do now?
Before she could even move a nurse ran into the room directly followed by doctor Parker.
"What happened?" She immediately wanted to know.
Emily was still overwhelmed by the whole situation and couldn't say anything.
"Agent Prentiss! You need to focus now, what happened?"
"I have no pulse!" The nurse screamed and started the reanimation.
"We... we had a conversation and then she suddenly blacked out!" Prentiss answered.
"What we're you talking about?"
Dr. Parker sent the nurse outside to call out Code Blue.
"She... she... She saw a scar that she wasn't supposed to see, because..."
"You got it in the last four years." Dr. Parker finished.
Emily nodded.
"You need to wait outside."
Emily wanted to disagree, but Dr. Parker didn't give her a chance. "Out, now!"
Emily ran outside and almost collided with the nurse who came back in with a defibrillator. 
"Please save her!" Emily called out.
The nurse nodded and closed the door.

"Emily, what happened?" Hotch asked concerned. "We heard the nurse calling out a code blue. What does that mean?"
"She blacked out." Emilys voice was nothing more than a faint whisper.
"What do you mean she blacked out?" Reid wanted to know.
"She had no pulse."
Prentiss could barely say those words before her feet gave in and she fell on the floor. Immediately the whole team ran towards her and helped her up.
"Sit down." Derek told her.
"She... she had no pulse?" Reid asked worried. "What did you do?"
No one gave him an answer.
"Emily, what did you do?" Reid screamed.
"Hey, calm down! Whatever happened in there isn't Emily's fault!" Derek tried to alley his friend.
"That's not true." Emily whispered.
Everybody stared at her and everybody wished that they misconceived Emily's words.
"What did you just say?"
"That was all my fault."
"That JJ ist dead!"

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