Chapter 6

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"No more games! I want Integrity, she's the price." Hastings shouted.

Then he turned to JJ, grapped her chin and forced her by that to look at him.

"No, no!" JJ begged.

"Maybe" Hastings said and his hand moved to JJs stomach. "I can make you one." He looked right into JJs eyes and continued: "Another one."

Hastings began to touch her body, until his hands reached the buttons of JJs blouse. Slowly he started to open them.

JJ lowered her head and started to cry.

"Take your time, Matt." Hastings said, while he continued to open the buttons. "I've been thinking about this for years."

JJ looked at Cruz and whispered: "Matt, don't. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm..."

Hastings hand opened the zipper of JJs trousers and she hushed.

"Okay, okay, that's it, just stop! I'll do it, just stop!" Matt called out.

The computer was turned to Cruz and he typed the security code.

Hastings looked at JJ and an evil grint shaped at his face. His hands went back to her stomach.

"We're not finished, Jareau. We're just getting startet!"

JJ woke up screaming. Her whole body was drenched in sweat and she trembled with fear. It took a few seconds until she realized, that she wasn't in the basement where Hastings tortured her.

Will came downstairs, turned the lights on and ran over to JJ. She still was shocked and her eyes were filled with tears.

Will sat down at the couch and hugged his wife. JJ buried her face in Wills strong arms and cried crestfallen.

"Sht. It's ok, it was just a dream."

"It was so real!" JJ stuttered.

Will snuggled her and replied: "But it is over. You're save here. I will protect you, ok?"

JJ nodded, but even so she couldn't stop crying.

She tried to calm down, but every time she closed her eyes she was back in that basement with this man.

This man who held her captive.

This man who tortured her.

This man who raped her.

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