Chapter 29

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Slowly Hotch, Reid, Morgan and Rossi entered the hospital room.
When they saw JJ, they were shocked.
She looked terrible.
Her blonde hair was felted and she had dark circles around her eyes. When she turned her head towards the team, they saw the laceration, that she had since she had her first flashback.
As soon as JJ recognized the team, a big smile came across her face and she almost looked like the JJ the team knew.
"Hotch! Reid! Morgan! Rossi!" She shouted every name like she hadn't seen the team for years.
"JJ!" Reid said and walked towards the bed. 
She spread her arms and tugged Reid into a big hug.
After a few seconds they parted and little tears showed up in JJs eyes.
"I am so happy to see you!" She almost cried. "You can't believe what happened here!"
She looked at everyone and stopped at Morgan:
"Where is Emily?"
He wasn't sure what to say, because Dr. Parker told them to let JJ in her believe.
Hotch saved him from saying something wrong by telling JJ:
"She wasn't feeling well today so she went home. But we told here about you and as soon as she feels better, she'll come here."
The team was afraid, that JJ could notice, that he was lying, but she didn't.
"Oh ok, tell her that she has to get well soon!" JJ said.
Rossi nooded: "We will, but you have to get well too! We were really worried about you!"
JJ smiled: "You don't have to be! I am feeling really good now. I acutelly don't even remember, why I am here..."
Hotch wanted to say something, but JJ kept talking.
"And you know what? Something really strange happened."
"What was that?" Reid wanted to know.
JJ sighed: "William LaMontagne, the police officer we met in Miami, was here and told me, that I would be married to him and we would have a son... Do you have any idea, why he ist doing that? I mean, is he crazy or something?"
The team looked at each other before Morgan sighed: 
"I have absolutely no idea..."

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