Chapter 30

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It took Emily only ten hours to come to the hospital.
She thanked the taxi driver, took her go bag, which was the only thing she took with her from London, and entered the hospital.
Before she could even ask someone for informations about JJ, she heard a voice:
She turned around and looked right into Hotch's eyes.
Oh, how much she had missed those eyes!
Before she could loose her self-control, she hugged Hotch.
To her surprise Hotch returned this hug and they stood like that for a few moments.
"I'm so glad, that you've come." Hotch whipsered into her ear.
When they parted, Emily had a big smile on her face.
Hotch wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Morgan, who walked to them with Reid and Rossi:
"Emily!" Morgan smiled and hugged her too.
She hugged everyone else too, smiling, happy, to see them.
"You were fast!" Rossi realized, when he looked at his watch.
Emily answered seriously: "Of course! So tell me, what exactly happened to JJ?"

After the team told Emily the whole story, she remained in silence.
"O my god..." She whispered over and over again.
When she picked up her courage again, she asked:
"So what can I do?"
"Talk to JJ." Reid replied.
"But about what?" Emily wanted to know.
Hotch answered for Reid: "About everything that doesn't includes Will, Henry or what happened in the last four years."
Under other circumstances, Emily would have laughed about a comment like that, but this time she had to subdue her tears.
Again she asked silently: "So she can't remember how she left the BAU? And she can't remember the thing with... Doyle? Or the thing with Hastings and Askari?"
Morgan shook his head: "No, she can neither remember Doyle, nor Hastings, nor Askari."
Emily sighed.
Then she gave Hotch her bag and said: 
"Ok, I'll go to her now."
She turned around and wanted to go, but Hotch held her back:
He came after her and whispered something into her ear.
The team was confused, but when Emily heard Hotch's words, she smiled.

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