Chapter 26

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A few moments they remained in silence.
"What are you going to do now?" Will wanted to know.
Dr. Parker answered: "I'll call Agent Hotchner. He is one of the less people your wife wants to see right now."
"And what are you expecting from that?"
"At the moment not much." Dr. Parker sighed. "But we can't  isolate your wife any longer without loosing her trust. And maybe Agent Hotchner can get informations from her we couldn't get."
Slowly Dr. Parker stood up and looked sympathetically at Will.
"I'll be back soon."
With these words she turned around and walked down the hall.

"Damn it, JJ, pick up your phone!" Hotch said when he called his team member for the sixth time. But like the five times before JJ didn't pick up her phone. Hotch hang up and threw the mobile on his desk.
He needed to talk to JJ. Hotch wanted to say sorry to her for the suspension and persuade her to get help, because he knew, that something was wrong with her.
Suddenly  Hotchs phone rang and without looking at the callers ID he answered it quickly: "JJ?"
The voice on the line answered: "No, Agent Hotchner? This is Dr. Parker from the hospital."
The frustration in Hotchs voice was unmistakable when he said: "Yes, this is Agent Hotchner, I'm sorry, I was expecting it to be someone else. What can I do for you?"
"I call because of one of your team members, Agent Jennifer Jareau."
Immediately Hotchs frustration was gone, but it was replaced by big worries.
"What happened?" He wanted to know.
"I can't tell you that on the phone, but please come to the hospital as soon as possible. It is an emergency."
Hotch had already stood up and almost ran out of his office.
"Of course, I'll be there in about twenty minutes."
Dr. Parker answered: "Good, just ask for me at the information."
"Got it." Hotch said and hung up.
He reached the open plan office and called out: "Get up, we have to go to the hospital!"
Reid was confused: "Why?"
"Because JJ is there!"

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