Chapter 25

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Tears ran down Wills face, when he realized what JJ just said.
"Why do you say that?" He wanted to know.
JJ didn't understand, why Will asked her that.
So she answered: "Because we only met once!"
"That is not true!" Will shouted and JJ winced.
With a more gentle voice Will asked: "Why are you doing that to me? Why are you doing that to your son? I just don't understand it, JJ."
JJ whispered: "I will only tell you once more, it is Miss Jareau to you! And I don't understand what you are talking about. I neither know you very well nor have a son!"
Before Will could say something to that, the door was opened.

"Mr. LaMontagne, what are you doing in here? I told you to wait outside!" Dr. Parker said when she came in.
"Dr. Parker, please take this man away from me! He is discommoding me!"
Will stared uncomprehending at JJ. He couldn't believe what she just said.
But he didn't say something. He realized, that it wouldn't change something.
Silently he followed Dr. Parker out of the room and left JJ alone with the nurse.
"Can you send this man away?" JJ wanted to know from the nurse. "I don't want to see him again."
The nurse nooded: "Of course. I'll make sure that he won't discommode you again."
JJ sighed: "Thank you."

"What were you thinking?" Dr. Parker wanted to know, when she led Will out of the room.
Will remained in silence.

"I told you that a confrontation wouldn't be good for both of you, but you just ignored that! You are lucky that your wife didn't attack you or something else! She is highly confused at the moment and needs time to think about all of this!"
Will lifted his head: "You told me that she wouldn't remember me."
He paused for a short time.
"But I had to persuade myself from it."
"And now?" Dr. Parker wanted to know.

A little tear fell down from Wills face.
"Now I know that I lost my wife forever."

Author's note:
Hey guys! I am so sorry that I didn't write for such a long time, but now I'll write more often! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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