Chapter 12

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"What? JJ, why do you say that?"

JJs voice was filled with sadness: "Because it's true."

"I can't believe that, JJ, what happened that you think that?"

"Everything is going down. Everyone doubts me. No one trusts me anymore. And Will..." JJ paused for a moment. "...Will changed after everything that has happened. But he cannot admit that, the only thing he does is to blame me and implies me, that I have changed. I'm so alone here."

Now the tears came back stronger and overwhelmed JJ.

"Sht, JJ. I'm right here, ok? You are not alone."

JJ nooded although her conversational partner couldn't see that.

"So please tell me everything from the beginning."

JJ sobbed: "Will went to Hotch and told him that I need help. Hotch talked to me and we had an argument. When I got to work today Hotch came to my office and suspended me. And when I came home I got angry about Will and he just went to work."

"Oh JJ, I'm so sorry. I am sure that Will doesn't mean it that way. He needs time like you. Talk to him when he gets back from work, ok? Tell him why are you feeling this way and what he can do to help you."

JJ wiped a few tears from her face.

"And now tell me what I can do that you feel better."

A little smile got visible on JJs face: "You just did everything."


"You listened to me. And that was the best thing you could do for me."

For a moment the woman on the line stayed in silence. It seemed like she had heard something in JJs voice, that confused her.

"And you're sure, that there is nothing else you want to talk about?"

JJ answered a bit too quick: "No, no, that's all."

The woman realized, that JJ didn't want to talk about it.

"Alright, if you want to talk, you know how to get a hold of me."

"Yes, sure."

Before they both hang up, JJ whispered:

"Thank you, Emily."

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