Chapter 13

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JJ sighed when she put her phone away.

Emily was right.

Of course she was.

She had realized, that there was another thing JJ was dealing with. But JJ couldn't tell Emily, what that was. She couldn't conquer herself.

Because that thing was something, JJ had buried deep inside her. So deep that she had hoped she could forget it.

But she couldn't.

This thing came back with all its intenseness.

Suddenly JJ heard a scream from outside.

It was the voice of a child who played tag with the neibour kids, but JJ heard something else.

JJ heard her own voice screaming and suddenly everything aroung her went black.

"NO!" JJ screamed and tugged at the chains that bond her.

"Take your hands of her you sick son of a bitch!" Matt shouted.

Hastings didn't stop, on the contrary, his hands seemed to move even faster when JJ started to cry.

"Relax, Jennifer. That'll be the best for both of us."

"NO!" JJ woke up screaming.

Hands pushed her back to the bed.

It took a few seconds untill JJ realized, that she was in the hospital. A few nurses tried to hold her down and one of them talked to JJ:

"Mrs. Jareau, you are in the hospital. You are save now."

JJ calmed down only slowely and leaned back.

A woman stepped towards JJs bed.

"Hello Mrs. Jareau, my name is Dr. Parker. How are you feeling?"

JJ paused before she said: "Tired, really tired."

The doctor nodded and noted something in her notebook.

"What happened?" JJ wanted to know.

"It looks like you had an flashback at your house and passed out because of it. Gladly your husband found you only a few minutes later and called an ambulance."

JJ looked around, but she couldn't see Will anywhere in the hospital room.

"Where is he?"

The doctor smiled: "He is outside."

And in a low voice she finished:

"He must truly love you, because he waited outside since you've been taken to the hospital and made no headway."

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