Chapter 8

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JJ closed the door of the bathroom behind her and locked it. Then she slipped down at the door and tried to calm down.

Tears flew down her face like a waterfall and made it impossible for JJ to see clear. She hid her face in her hands and sobbed loud.

Suddenly someone knocked at the door.

"Will, go away!" JJ shouted. "I don't want to talk to you!"

For a moment it was silent at the other side of the door, but then JJ heard a small voice talking: "Mommy?"

JJs eyes dilated when she realized that it was Henry who stood in front of the locked door. She buried her head deeper in her hands.

"Mommy? Why do you don't want to talk to Daddy?" Henry asked again and JJ regonized the confusion and the sadness in her sons voice.

"Henry" JJ stumbled. She didn't want him to see her in this condition, so she tried to make him to go back to his room. "Why are you awake? It is dead at night."

After a few seconds Henry answered: "Your scream woke me up. I heard you arguing with Daddy..."

Before JJ could even think of words, she heard her husbands voice: "Hey, Buddy, what are you doing there?"

"Mommy is in there and doesn't let me in. I woke up because you two were arguing and I wanted to know why."

For a moment Will wasn't sure what he should tell his son, but then he said: "We didn't argue, Buddy. Mommy is still not feeling well and we only had a little dissagreement."

Henry sighed: "But why did Mommy lock herself in the bathroom?"

Will stopped for a moment and said: "She felt queasy."

That was the first explanation he could think of.

And it was the easiest one.

"Oh... Then get well soon, Mommy." Henry said.

He gave his father a good night kiss and walked back to his room.

When Will was sure that Henry couldn't hear him anymore, he leaned against the bathroom door.

JJ cowered at the other side of the door.

She was still crying and blaming herself.

Henry shouldn't have heard that. He shouldn't have experienced that.

Then JJ heard the voice of her husband.

It thrilled through the door and right into JJs head.

"I hope you're happy now."

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