Dinah Jane 😊💕: yay! Thanks and I'm at Ally's hanging with her and Mani. They're annoyed because you and I keep texting. You?

I giggled as my fingers tapped rapidly against the screen.

Me: I'm with Camz at her place. Yeah she's pretty annoyed too 😂. Hey you wanna watch movies at my place tonight?

Dinah Jane 😊💕: Oh girl. You Trynna Netflix and chill? 👀

My cheeks started to heat up. That's not what I meant at all but why not just play along?

Me: Sorry. I didn't pay for my monthly subscription this month. 😏

Dinah Jane 😊💕: No biggie we'll just use mine. 😄😄😄😄😄

I busted out laughing but stopped when my phone was snatched from my hand. "Camila!" I shouted.

Camila shook her head at me. "Nope. I like Dinah and all she's cool but fuck her. I am not sharing you right now. Show me attention!" She shouted.

I gasped. Camila has never been this jealous before. It's actually kind of cute. "Fine. I'll show you as much attention as you want while I'm here."

She cheered and jumped on me. "Yay! You are the best Lo! I love you!"

I groaned and wrapped my arms around her briefly before pushing her off of me. "I love you too Camz."


Camila and I sat and talked for hours until I grew tired and decided to leave. Despite being tired I was excited to see Dinah tonight.

Dinah Jane:

Lauren hasn't texted me back since I sent her that message. Damn, I knew that message was too risky but my dumb ass sent it anyways. I've been hanging at Mani's house for a few hours now and I'm so bored! Don't get me wrong my girls are the best but I just want to be with Lauren right now.

"Dinah, are you alright?" Ally asked as she walked over and sat next to me on the sofa.

I nodded. "Yeah..."

Normani walked into the living room and smirked at me. "She misses Lauren." She teased.

"Shut up Normani." I mumbled.

Since I've started talking to Lauren more and hanging with her Normani is always teasing me about her. Ally on the other hand she finds it adorable.

"Girl, chill. We know you like her. It's fine but please be careful Dinah. You're our baby and I don't know about Ally but you know I'll knock any bitch out that hurts you. You saw what I did to Amber right?"

Ally sighed. "All of World Star saw it Mani. Your own mother was in the background yelling-"

"WORLD STAR!" Normani and I shouted in unison before laughing and slapping our hands together.

"How do I put up with the both of you?" Ally asked before picking up my phone and smiling. "Awe Dinah she messaged you."

Normani hurried over and took the phone before I could. "Guys...give it here." I whined.

Video Vixen. (Laurinah Fic) [Completed.]Where stories live. Discover now