Chapter 36: Three am Conversations

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Aria's POV

My eyes flutter open and I expect a light shining in through the windows but instead, I see darkness.

I hit the home button on my phone. It reads 3:23 am.

"Well.. I probably won't be able to go back to sleep now" I whisper and sit up. I think about what happened last night. It was just a homophobe probably. They mean nothing to me. I love my fathers, even if they are little curly fries.

I go on Instagram and scroll through my feed. My phone buzzes and I see that someone sent me a dm.

Opening it I read:
"Hey, I saw your account and thought you were pretty cute and cool. I'd love to talk to you some time xx"

I smile and reply with "Aww thank you haha. I'd love to talk to you! You seem very cool."

Almost instantly, he texts me back and says "Thanks :) My name is Max btw"

Our conversation goes on like this:

Me: cool name. Mine is Aria.
Max: lovely name ❤️
Me: haha thanks! So what are some of your interests?
Max: YouTube, books, bands.. Just trash like that😂
Me: literally same
Max: 😂😂

Not even realizing, I check back at the time and find that it says 6:27 am.

I've been talking to Max for 3 hours?

He then texts me: "So not to be stalkerish but where do you live? I'm in London ☺️"

I reply: "That's not stalkerish at all haha and cool!! I'm in London too!"

"Omg we should meet sometime!" He texts back.

"Yeah!" I reply.

"What do you look like?" He asks me.

I send him a pic of me and he sends one in return. He has partly shaved sides of a brownish color, green hair and top, and brownish/greenish eyes.

"Woah" I whisper.

"Aww you're so pretty" he says.
"Thanks😝" I say.

I hear a knock on my door and Dan walks in. "Hey, Aria." He smiles. I quickly turn off my phone as he walks in. He looks at me strangely as his smile fades a bit. "We're you.. Doing something you shouldn't be on your phone?" He asks, suspiciously. "N-no. I was just editing a video." I tell him nervously. Why am I acting like this? There's nothing to hide. "May I see then?" He replies. I nod slightly and unlock my phone, going into one of my video editing apps and pulling up one of my older edits that I didn't finish. "See?" I say. He nods but he still seems a little suspicious. "Okay.. Well I came in here to tel you that I was making Delia Smith pancakes, if you wanted any." He says. "Uh.. duh!! Of course I do!" I reply and lock my phone, throwing it on my bed and going to the kitchen. Dan follows me.

Phil is in the lounge scrolling through tumblr. Dan begins the pancakes as I sit next to Phil and look at his tumblr feed with him.

Author's Note:

Ugh the way I put Max and Aria's conversation makes me cringe big time (rush) but I didn't know any other way to put it (format wise) so.. oh well😂😊😁

Please rate this chapter and give me any tips you have for me!! Thanks.

I'm actually quite excited about what I have set up for this book😏😏😏

Bye now!😘💗

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