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Rose.  This is her in her 'normal' form. 

Anti's P.O.V

"Shit, shit, shit." Light kept muttering, his eyes running wild, from my bloody hands towards the dead body. Okay, you know what. It wasn't my fault. The hot guy over there he made me do it. The one with no heart. Blame him for making me kill.

The blood in the air, got my killer instincts all riled up. Plus the dude that was sitting behind me kept dropping his drink on my head. Dick.

Apparently me killing this dude was very bad. But no one told me that! According to Light, he was the head chief of the organization that runs this show. So the circus now is pissed at us. Pissed at me for killing the jerk, and at Light for throwing up on his wife.

So this is how we ended up in Smile's office. It was a cozy one, but it was to bright for my taste. Light however, wasn't even paying to the goddamn faires in lautner's that were hung next to the window. No, he was drooling all over his wooden oak desk, by looking at Smile. Such a horny bastard, Light is.

"So, we meet again." Smile grinned, crossed his arms over his chest, placed his feet on top of the desk, scarring poor Light out of his daydream. Light looking startled, shifted in his leather seat, refocusing on the situation.

"So according to Jake, you guys killed a very important demon to us, and puked on his wife. Then tried to get away, yet managed to break one of the most expansive light, and trip over the ropes, getting Davorin pulled all the way up. I...can I say that you are the most stupid and clumsiest demons I have ever met, and that is saying something."

"Hey! Don't you dare talk about me like that! I'm-"

"Antisepticeye. Yes, I know. One of the world's most feared killers. An assassin. I heard all about you, from Jake. He used to work for that guy as well."

Smile didn't look amused, instead a frown took place. I sunk back into my seat, and glanced at Light. Light looked like a ghost. His face paled to a snowy white colour, and his shaking hands, didn't help him to look calm. With a quiet whisper, Light said something, that made my ego vanish into thin air.

"Is there anything we can do to help?"

"Oh, hell no! I'm not doing anything! That son of a bitch spilled his drink on me four times! And blame your hottie for kicking my killer instincts in the face, and making me kill. Blame the hottie! I'm not moving my fucking finger for that."

Smile laughed. Laughed. Throwing his head back, his chest rumbled as he let out a laugh. After a while, he calmed down, wiping tears from his eyes, from laughing so much. Me? I was fucking fuming from anger. Who does this guy thinks he is? Laughing at me! Oh, I so want to chop his dick off and shove it down his throat.

Light looked like he wanted to strangle me. Chop my tongue off, shove it up my ass, cook me alive and serve it to Smile. Maybe even shove an apple in my mouth, to get bonus points, for decorating the meal.

"You really think that you can get away from this, by blaming others? Maybe you're a deadly killer, but you're stupid. You're going to pay. Credit or debit?" he asked, leaning towards me.

"How much do I owe you." I gave up. I honestly gave up on holding my so what ego that was left. He won. Better fucking celebrate it with glitter and fireworks.

Before he could reply, probably about to say a huge sum that would give Light a heart attack, the shifter came in, strolling in more like. It was as if she owned this damn place.

"Hey, Boss! I just wanted to let you know, that Dark has calmed down. It would help, if you give me a needle to sew his fucking chest. But, you're the Boss. However, I don't think you would want a such valuable contract to die."

So, Smile wasn't to keen on fixing up the hottie. Why?

Smile, shifted on his seat. All of the previous dominance gone, as soon as she mentioned the contract. Light was about to puke, no doubt. With a sassy demoness and a stressed out demon, who wouldn't be? Me.

"Fine, take the goddamn needle, and sew his chest. His fucking fault for opening that wound again."

Wait, he did that before?

"Let's not forget here that we sold out tickets seconds later after the show ended, for the next one. He got others so riled up during the show that they want to go see another one."

"TAKE THE FUCKING NEEDLE AND GO!" Smile, was nowhere near to be the flirty, funny guy. He was clutching onto his desk, it cracking in places under the pressure. Letting out a breath as soon as the door slammed shut.

"I'm sorry about that."

No one said a thing. The silence was hung in the air, taunting us, even daring us to say a word. Light seemed to give up under its pressure, insure of what to do, his confidence in himself long gone, even with me by his side, he got crushed by it. Smile was no better. He kept running his hands through his already messy hair. A tactic often used to calm down.

"You're going to work your debt. You're going to be working for the circus. Go find Rose or Jake, they should tell you what to do." Smile, grinned, happy with himself about that 'oh so brilliant idea'. Me? My thoughts were between the lines off;

Eat ten dicks you bastard,

I'm gonna see that hottie again,

Fuck my life.

You know what. Fuck me instead. At least I would be happy while mucking stalls.

Without saying a word, Light got up, me following him. Everything was going well. Opening the door, I took a step forward and-

"Hi! My name is Jake!"

"Jesus fucking Christ." I was leaning against the door trying to get my heart working again. You could hear Smile laughing his ass off in the office, enjoying my suffering. Light apparently is a sadist as well, who was rolling on the ground wheezing. Hope, that bastard's balls get dipped in burning hot wax, and shoved down his throat.

"I'm sorry about that." scratching his neck,  Jake looked at Rose with amusement splattered all over his face.

"I hate you."

Jake shrugged, seemingly okay with that idea. Rose was just a giggling mess, alongside with Light.

"Oh, and welcome to The Angel's Cry!"

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