I took his hand with much reluctance, feeling the gnawing of need swell. My Dad wasted no time at all collecting our bags in his free hand leading us out. The whole way down we were joined by more wolves that had me fighting anxiously against my hunger while wondering what happened to Odessa. The scent of blood is faint, but enough for me to detect it's former presence. Maybe I'm just hungry, but even covered with the stench of death, the scent of her blood is appealing to me. All too soon it's replaced by the combined scents of each wolf surrounding me.

Sitting next to my father with that intoxicating aroma calling to me was hard enough. Adding his driver and two guards was pure torture. My thumbs rolled over each other in an attempt to keep my hands to myself as I walked out the building and entered the sleek black car. One bite...that's all I need. If one of them just gave me their finger I'd be happy just feeling the few drops it would provide me with.

The driver and his wingman eyed me cautiously, but kept their backs straight like good soldiers until I leaned forward and inhaled a little too deeply maybe just a little too close to one of them.

One bite...

Slowly I lowered my hands to the seat on either side of me. Tightly gripping it, I moved my body forward with my eyes narrowed on my target. The wolf in the passenger seat was clearly nervous and through that, his heart was racing. I could literally hear his blood rushing through his veins--as it would be rushing down my throat. Before I could move closer and strike, my father's hand shot over to my leg, stilling me on contact. I'm reminded then that I was not to harm anyone responsible for my safety.

Disappointed and hungry to the point that I'm ready to snap at my own father regardless of what I was told, I sat back and turned my gaze to the trees zooming by us. I feel like I'm trapped. These men are around me smelling like freshly baked biscuits while I'm starving and near the edge of my own sanity. My emotions are turned up extra high and at any minute, I feel like I could burst at the seams or jump from the window of this moving car and run happily through the woods. It's a constant conflict in my brain right now over what I should do. My instinct is to rip into them all, but my conscience is already feeling regret for it. I don't want to make a mistake and kill my own father or even one of his men yet, I don't want to kill anyone else either. The men in the front keep looking back at me because they know what I'm only realizing now, I'm a danger to everyone.

Pinching the bridge of my nose and pulling my lips in over my sharp fangs I try to pretend the blood slowly seeping from the small nicks are that of someone else. It's not working; failing to quiet the voice telling me I need to screw it all and do what needs to be done.

"Are you alright, Sweetheart?"

All of me wanted to say, 'hell no', but instead I went with a simple nod that was nowhere near the truth. I'm not alright. Far from it.

"I haven't been in your life that long, but I am able to tell when you're lying." The car came to a stop as he looked away from me with a knowing smile. "When we get inside, I want you to relax. Take a nap maybe since it's been a long couple of days. Maybe by the time you get up Nicolas will be here with something for you."

"You mean someone." The disgust couldn't be hidden even if I had attempted to mask it.

"Easier said than done I'm sure, but try not to think of it that way. Just like you would not feel guilt for breathing feel none for taking what you need to live. When we first met I told you killing humans wasn't my thing, but I would not hesitate to do so if it were to feed you. We all have our ways, do not be ashamed of yours."

The light attached to the roof of the car flipped on with the opening of the back door. I followed my Dad up a really long walk-way then into a house that looks like a palace. Everything looks so expensive and clean. Very fitting of my father since those words could describe him as well.

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