Chapter 3: Horan and Styles Have A Secret Side!

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~Noelle's Pov~

I usually hate Science but having Liam in that class was amazing! He made everything make sense and that class was very entertaining! The teacher did a science experiment and almost caused a fire! I loved it! Now, I'm heading to my locker to get ready for Math with Louis. I see him next to my locker and I give him a smile and small wave. He sees me and waves back, mirroring my smile. "Hello. Ready for Math?" Louis says, keeping his smile on. "I guess. I mean, I'm okay in Math." I say, shrugging my shoulders and opening my locker. Once I grab my books, we both head towards Math. This should be interesting. 

~Niall's Pov~

"N-no sir. I don't have proof but both me and Harry have the same feeling about it." I speak into my phone. "Until you have proof Horan, I can't do anything about it! You know that!" his loud voice boomed in my ear through the phone. I sighed and ran my free hand over my face in frustration. "I know sir but it's just..." "It's just nothing Horan. You know that until I get proof I can't do shit about it! Now, I have more important things to do. Once you find proof, you let me know! I mean it!" he scolded then hung up. I sighed and locked my phone, placing it in my pocket. I wish he would just believe me. I mean I know I'm not the most convincing person but I need him to just believe me! I know exactly who to talk to. Harry! He will get him to believe me. I pull out my phone again and send him a text. We both have a free class right now so maybe he will help me with this. 

To: Harry

mate i need ur help! meet me in the lobby in 5!!

Now that that is settled, I walk towards the lobby and wait for him. I sit down on a bench and look down at my phone. I hear footsteps and look up to see Harry. "What's the problem Ni?" Harry says panting. "First of all, where were you and why are you panting?" I say, standing up. "Well, I was at the soccer field playing some footy with Jake." Harry answers. "Which Jake? There is like 5 of them." I say, chuckling a little. "Peterson." he says. Just then an idea popped into my head. "Harry, where is Peterson now?" I ask, smiling. "Still at the soccer field, why?" Harry's eyebow raised and he looked at me weird. "Just follow me!" I say, running towards the field. Sure enough, Jake was still there. "JAKE!" I yelled, causing him to look over at me. "Hey Niall. Sup little buddy?" Jake said, when me and Harry reach him. "Not much. Jake, I need your help." I say, slowing my breathing from running. "Sure, whatcha need?" Jake asks. "Well..."

~Louis' Pov~

"No, it's not. I'm sure that if you punch it in on the calculator, it will be 142, 375, 896." Noelle says, leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed, arguing with Mr. Larkson, our math teacher, about the problem we are currently doing. Mr. Larkson huffed and punched the numbers in the calculator. Once he got a total, his eyes went wide, his mouth dropped and his eyebrows raised. "Well? What's the answer Mr. Larkson?" Noelle coaxs him. "I-I don't believe it!" he said, walking over to Noelle and showing her the calculator. Noelle's smile was all the comfirmation I needed. "Thought so." she stands up and looks at the other students. "Let the record show that I, Noelle Jones, have out-smarted the so called "Smartest Math Teacher". Nice try Mr. Larkson, maybe next time." she says, smiling with the widest smile I have seen on her all day. When she sits back down, she looks over at me and starts laughing. "Way to go Elle! You have been the first person to actually have the guts to correct Mr. Larkson. You must show me how you do it!" I say, smiling wide with her. "A smart mathmatician never reveals her secrets!" she says, winking and then facing the front board.

Once class was over, we headed to the cafeteria and looked for the other lads. Liam waves us over to our normal table. "Hey guys. Where's Niall and Harry?" I ask when me and Noelle sit down at the table. "I don't know. They had a free so they probably went to go drive around." Zayn says, shrugging. "So how was your first day so far Noelle?" Liam asks. "Great! I out-smarted Mr. Larkson." Noelle says, smiling really wide. "What?!" Zayn and Liam both say at the same time. "Oh she did. They even argued for 35 minutes over who was right and we only got like two problems done. She proved him wrong though. She even had a speech too! Tell them what you said!" I said, starting to laugh, remembering the look on Mr. Larkson's face when she proved him wrong. "I said, let the record show that I, Noelle Jones, have out-smarted the so called "Smartest Math Teacher". Nice try Mr. Larkson, maybe next time." she says, earning a laugh from all of us. "That is awesome! No one has ever out smarted him or even had the courage to think about out smarting him." Zayn says, high fiving Noelle. Liam high fived her too. Just then the bell rang. "Well off to Music." Noelle stands up and looks around. "Niall isn't here. Do any of you know where the Music room is?" she asks, biting her lip. "I'll take you. My next class is right beside to it." Zayn says, motioning for Noelle to follow him. After they left, me and Liam headed to Woodshop. We are currently building a small version of a barn in that class. "Do you think Zayn may have a crush on Noelle?" Liam asks. "Why do you ask?" I reply. "Well I just notice that he seems...different around her. Like he seems more, happier I guess." Liam says as we reach Woodshop. "I don't know. But I did notice that too. Guess we will have to wait and see." I say, shrugging.

~Harry's Pov~

"Do you think he would believe us?" Niall asks Jake as we drive to our destination. "I don't know. My dad can be pretty hard to convince. He might stick to needing proof but if you two talk to him at the same time, he might believe you. It's hard to say with my dad." Jake says, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, looks like we will find out soon. We're here." I say as we pull up to the huge mansion. I park my car and turn the engine off. We all jump out and head towards the front door. Niall knocks and a really big built man answers the door. It's him, Mr. Peterson. "Hey dad." Jake says, stepping between me and Niall. "Jake, I thought you had school?" Mr. Peterson asks his son. "I have a free class. We all do." he answers back. "Well, come in." he steps aside and lets us enter. As soon as we get inside, I can see why Jake hates it here. This mansion is filled with a lot of others. Maybe at least 25 more people. "Jake, do they all live here?" I ask, while we follow Mr. Peterson down to his office. "Yeah, unfortunately." Jake says, as we reach his father's office.

"Have a seat boys." he motions to the three seats in front of his desk. "Look, Mr. Peterson, we didn't mean to bother you but I was telling the truth earlier. Harry can tell you that I'm not lying. Please believe me Mr. Peterson." Niall says, looking really nervous. "Horan, what have I told you before! I cannot believe you until either I meet this person or I get more proof. I can't do anything with out more information on this so called.." "Look, Mr. Peterson, I don't mean to cut you off but Niall is telling the truth. I feel the same things he feels. He isn't lying sir. I know you need more proof or info on it but aren't you the same person who told us that if we have a feeling of something, we go with it?" I say, using his words against him. He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms. "Go on." he says. "Well, me and Niall have the same feeling around this...someone. You might know their family though." I say. "Who is their family?" he asks, grabbing a pen and paper. "Her parents are dead. Her brother is Hunter and her sister is Faith. She is a Jones sir." Niall says. "A Jones huh? I definitaly know who she is then." Mr. Peterson says, cracking an evil smirk. "Bring me Noelle Jones at once!" he says. 

You may wonder why me and Niall are doing this. Why we are telling Mr. Peterson about Noelle. Well, we know something about her that she thinks she can keep under lock and key. The reason why we are doing this is because we mostly know what she is capable of and what she has or hasn't done. No, we don't know her personally but Mr. Peterson does. Just to make this clear, I'll tell you why.................

Niall and I are vampires.

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