Chapter 11: Heartbreak and Flashbacks

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Zayn's POV

As I head back to the table, all I can think about is Noelle. I can't stop replaying the image of her kissing that guy in my head. When I sit back down, the guys are all looking at me. "Zayn? You alright mate?" Liam nudges my shoulder to get my attention. I look up and shake my head. "It's Noelle. I was talking to her over by the bathrooms but....she doesn't remember who I am." My voice is quiet. I don't know what to do. I was the first person to meet Noelle so how can she forget me? She means so much to me. I can't just forget about her.  "If you want, I can go talk to her for you." Harry replies from across the table. "You would do that for me?" My face perking up a little. Maybe if Harry can get through to Noelle then maybe things can get better! "Yeah, of course!" Harry says, smiling a little. I smile back at him and finish off my food. 

Noelle's POV

"Noelle! Leo! Can you come downstairs for a moment please!" I hear Mr. Peterson yell. "Baby, stop. We need to go downst-" Leo says but I cut him off by biting down harder on his neck. I kiss the spot I bit and sit up so I'm straddling his hips. "Elle!" Leo looks shocked but I wink and crawl off his legs and move so I'm now standing at the foot of his bed. "Payback Leo." Was all I said before I turned and ran downstairs. "Not so fast little one." Leo was right behind me in no time. I begin laughing and running down the stairs with Leo hot on my tail. 

Once we reached the bottom, we both stopped suddenly at the presence of someone standing by Mr. Peterson. "Hello Noelle. Remember me?" Harry says as he smiles cockily. "How could I forget the vampire who turned me into Mr. Peterson? How are you Harry?" I say, smirking back at him. "Well, Harry is here because he wants to talk to you, privately. You two can step into my office while I go check on my other vampires." Mr. Peterson said then he disappeared. "Lets get this over with then." I began walking towards Mr. Peterson's office until I was stopped by Leo grabbing my hand. I turned around to face him, his face full of worry. "Are you sure you want to do this alone?" He asks me. I place my hands on his cheeks and smile. "I'll be perfectly fine baby. Go do whatever you need to do and I will be done in no time. I promise I will be just fine. I'm a tough girl, you should know that better than anyone." I finish off my statement with a wink and a peck to his lips. I turn around and head inside the office. 

Harry's POV

Noelle walked into the office and closed the door behind her. I have to get her to remember Zayn. He hasn't been the same since Noelle "forgot" about him. I paced around the room with my hands behind my back. Noelle just stayed by the door, arms crossed across her chest and leaning her back against the door. I stopped pacing and stood facing her. How am I even going to get through to her. "Look Harry, if you want to talk to me can you please hurry it up? I have a boyfriend to get back to." She says, trying to rush me along. I take a deep breath and get ready to speak.

"When you were at Nando's today and you-" "How did you know I was at Nando's today?!" She cuts me off. " I was there too. I was there with Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn. Do you remember them? You hung out with us all the time. You even had a thing with Zayn." I say, trying to get her to at least try to remember him. "Who is this Zayn guy? I know a guy named Zayn came to talk to me when he left the bathrooms and he even said I should know him but honestly, I have no sweet clue who he is." She says, pouting slightly. "Noelle, he was the first person you met here. You live across the street from him. He was there for you ever since he met you. He started to like you Elle. He grew very fond of you and when you said you didn't remember him, it completely crushed him." I say, feeling sadness wash over me at the sight of Zayn's face when he came back to the table.

"Look, if this is all you wanted to talk about was this Zayn guy then I'm going to leave. I don't know him and I'm done speaking with you." Before I got to stop her, the door was opened and she began to leave. That didn't go as planned. I walked out the door after her and saw her going up the stairs. I use one of my many vampire powers and try to manipulate her mind. I close my eyes and send waves of thoughts through her mind. I open my eyes when I hear her gasp and a small thud sound. I look and she is holding onto her head and kneeling on the steps. "Please, just remember him." I whisper to myself then head towards the front door to leave.

Noelle's POV

I leave the room and begin walking up the stairs. The talk Harry wanted to have was pointless! I don't know who this Zayn guy is and I don't think I will ever remember him! Just as I'm almost at the top of the stairs, I gasp for air and drop to my knees onto the stairs. A powerful wave of something just rushed through my mind. I blinked a few times and tried to gain back my balance. I gripped the railing and finished walking up the stairs and towards Leo's room. When I opened the door, Leo was fast asleep on his bed. I looked out the window and realized it must be very late since it was pitch black outside. I used my vampire vision to see in the dark and made my way over to Leo. I crawled into bed and cuddled up to him and began to slowly drift off into sleep.

"Noelle! I hear someone calling my name. I look around. Am I dreaming? I keep looking around. I then notice a guy with brown hair, slightly tan skin and beautiful brown eyes. I feel water on my cheeks. Am I crying? "Noelle, what's wrong? Where have you been? I texted you earlier and..." "I'm sorry Zayn. I can't talk to you anymore." My lips aren't moving so how am I speaking. I look behind me and I see...myself? I back up a little to watch myself and this guy interact. "Wh-what? Why not?" The guy says, frowning. "I just can't." I reply. Who is this guy? Why does he suddenly look familiar. I see myself turn around but he grabs onto my arm. I feel something in my stomach go off. Something like....butterflies? Did I feel this before? "Noelle, please look at me." This guy says. I notice tears lining his beautiful brown eyes. I want to remember. Why can't I remember him?! I want to scream but I know nobody can hear me. I'm still not facing the guy but he continues to talk to me. "Please Elle, please look at me. Show me those beautiful blue eyes of yours." I watch as I turn around to face him and I notice a shocked look on his face. I look at myself again and I notice the marks and my red/puffy eyes. I remember those marks! I was tied up by.....somebody but I don't remember who. 

"What happened to you?" The guy asks me while touching my neck. I feel a slight pain where he touches and I wince. I also notice me wincing too. He stops touching my neck. "It's nothing Zayn. Can I please go?" So, that's the guy from Nando's? Zayn? "Noelle, please tell me what happened? It's obviously something if you were crying!" I watch him wipe the tears from my cheeks. "I'm not crying, it's the rain." I watch more tears fall from my eyes when I close them. I close my eyes as well when I feel tears forming in my eyes. "Noelle, please look at me, look me in the eyes." His voice seems closer and when I open my eyes, I'm looking right at him. I glance behind me and nobody is there. I'm reliving my past? "I know I've only known you for for a couple days but I can tell when you are crying. Please don't cry babe." I hear his voice crack a little. I flutter my eyelashes and a small smile creeps onto my lips, my left dimple appearing. I watch him look into my eyes, glance at my lips then back into my eyes. He begins to lean in and I feel myself doing the same thing. 

Our eyes flutter shut and in no time I feel soft lips on mine. I can feel every inch of his lips. I can actually feel them. It's so surreal. I can also feel the rain pouring down on our bodies, soaking us as we embrace each other and continue to kiss. I feel it all.

I shoot up from laying down. I start looking around, noticing I'm still in Leo's room. I look towards the window and see the bright moonlight shining into his window. A small smile makes it way to my lips as I speak the words everyone has wanted to hear, "I remember now. I remember you Zayn." I now know what I must do. I must find Zayn and make everything right!

(A/N: Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in sooo long but I have been really busy with so much stuff going on and I finally got some more inspiration for updating so I wanted to make this chapter to make it up to everyone who reads this story. Thank you to everyone who reads this story and please vote, comment, fan, etc. <3)

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