Chapter 3

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"We should probably tell Gustav and Georg about what's going on," Bill stated, expecting backlash but knowing it needed to be done.

"NO!" Tom exclaimed. "We are not telling them. Especially not Georg," he stated with a finality that would make anyone - except Bill - drop the subject and never bring it up again. He didn't even want to think about what his best friend and band mate would have to say about his current predicament. He didn't want anyone to know about it. End of story.

"And we should also tell David while we're at it," Bill continued as if Tom had said nothing at all. Both of the twins were stubborn as asses, which generally worked out in their favor when they agreed, but when they didn't, they could potentially spend hours arguing and still end up getting nowhere. Bill hoped that wouldn't be the case today because this was actually important, and he would try to get his brother to see that.

"No, Bill. I don't want anyone outside of this room to know about this."

Bill heaved a sigh. "I understand that, but this affects them too, so they should know."

"How?" Tom asked bitterly. "How the fuck does this affect them? I'm pretty sure they still have their dicks in place."

"That's true," Bill replied, mentally preparing himself for a Tom temper-bomb that might explode at any moment. Both twins had pretty notable tempers as is. Adding extra hormones would only serve to fan the flames. "but..."

"So why do they have to know that I don't have mine?" Tom interrupted, plopping down on the bed dejectedly. Bill hated seeing that kind of expression on his brother's face normally, but even more so now. He looked like he wanted to cry again but was actively trying to avoid it.

Bill sat down gently next to his now female twin brother, draping his arm over his shoulders. The elder twin, in turn, rested his head on his brother's shoulder. "Because we're a band, so we're expected to do things together as a band. For example, the interview we have scheduled for tomorrow."

Tom's head shot off Bill's shoulder and he stared at his brother, wide-eyed and pale, at the mention of the interview he had completely forgotten about until that moment. He couldn't go to that interview, not like this. Now if this was some weird one-day thing, that would be a different story, but he doubted that was actually the case.

"...Which I expect you don't plan on going to like this,"Bill continued, gesturing wildly toward Tom's entire body, causing Tom's worry to fade because it didn't seem that he expected him to go either. "So they should know why one of their band members isn't participating."

"Why can't we just tell them that I'm not feeling well?" questioned Tom.

"Because that would be lying, and you know I hate lying to them," was Bill's reply.

"It technically wouldn't be lying; I don't feel well," he responded, "I feel like a pile of shit with legs, so it's not lying, it's just not telling the whole truth."

The younger twin sighed, getting frustrated with his brother's stubbornness. "We don't know when this will wear off. Do you honestly think that you'll be able to get away with not seeing either of them until this thing blows over? You can't stay in this hotel room forever."

It wasn't Bill's intention, but the use of the word 'forever' led Tom to panic. "What if this doesn't blow over? What if it's permanent and I'm stuck like this forever? What would we do then? How would we ever do interviews and performances and stuff? People can't see me like this. This is horrible! I do not want to have to invest in bras!" he ranted, turning red in the face, having forgotten that breathing between words was a necessity.

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