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You gasp, sitting up and clutching your chest. Your head kept spinning and you felt like spilling your insides.

"I'm supposed to be dead!" You freak out, your hands going to the sides of your head.

You take a minute to close your eyes and calm yourself down. Too much pressure and you might just pass out again. You peek open one eye, seeing your were in a comfy bed and a nicely decorated room. It wasn't half bad. You would've liked it more if you knew where you had ended up. Maybe this is the after life?

"I expected the after life to be more... magical." You tap your chin, eyes narrowed on the door in front of the bed.

You suddenly remember the painful crack when you hit the bottom, searching your body for any broken bones. The hair on the back of your neck stands when you realize no harm had come to your body, at all.

"H-how am I not even hurt?" You ask yourself, putting a hand over your eyes.

Not a single scratch covered your body. No bruise. No nothing. Of course, you didn't mind not being hurt, but nothing made sense.

"I'm out," you throw your hands up, sliding off the bed.

When you touch the floor, your legs give out, wiggling like jello until you hit the floor. You groan into the purple carpet, pushing yourself up with your arms.

"Bite me, gravity." You hiss quietly, wobbling over to the door.

When you grab the door knob, your gut ties itself into a bunch of knots, making you feel even more nauseous. You take a deep breath, ignoring the bad feeling in the deepest parts of your soul. You open the creaky door, cringing at just how loud you could actually be. You peep out, very cautious with your surroundings. You shrink back a little when seeing a goat monster walk across a room with a book in his hands. Your eyes become so wide they could've popped out of your head. You grip the door tighter when he places down his book on a table, heading for the small flight of stairs. You watch intently as he makes his way down, humming along the way. Your eyes turn into little slits as you tip-toe to the stairs, peering down into the dark hallway.

"I am not staying down here! Ninja (Y/n) needs to get herself out of this."

You snap your fingers, still not brave enough to walk down there.

"I can do it! I've got this!" You whisper, getting yourself pumped.

Then you hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Your eyes become as wide as golf balls as you scurry back to the small you woke up in.

"Nope nope nope!" You whisper yell, almost slamming the door when scrambling back inside the room.

You slide down the door, cuffing your face in your hands.

"I'm such a cowered."

Silently Sleeping (Underswap!Papyrus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now