Chapter 1: I Torture You

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       I sit alone at a high table at a lavish party, a bubbling glass of champagne in hand. I try to act casual in my elegantly long, deep blue dress, which is hard since I am usually not a very dressy person. My ebony coloured hair starts coming out of the bun I put it into. Out of my bag, I fish a small mirror to look at it and check my makeup, touching up the grey eye shadow that brings out my ocean blue eyes. Almost everyone in Gotham City must be here, it being the Bat's party and all. I say party but it's really more of a fancy gathering, or a gala even. I think that may have been what he called it on the invitation.

       The atmosphere is warm and quiet, the only sounds ringing through the air being the slight hush of people mingling and a soft ballad playing in the background. People gather in groups, laughing politely and talking in low voices about politics and the weather. I haven't socialised much, only when I arrived while I still had my friends, who have since abandoned me to mingle with handsome strangers. I look over at one of the bigger crowds, many woman mobbed around Bruce Wayne himself, most of my friends included. They all laugh simultaneously at a joke he tells. Other famous heroes are scattered around; Diana Prince (aka Wonder Woman herself) demonstrating some crazy routine she performed, Hal Jordan, a key member of Green Lantern, showing his muscles to a group of women, Barry Allen cracking a classy joke. Obviously I do not belong here.

     I decide I have been here a polite amount of time and start to finish off my champagne. As I grab my bag and begin to climb off of my seat, a fellow with slicked back, mahogany hair sits down at my side with two glasses of wine in his hands.

    "Care for a drink?" he says, a dangerous flash in his eyes. I hesitate but take the drink respectfully, I have nowhere to be anyway. He smiles and lifts his glass to mine. "Cheers," he says as we both clink glasses.

     I examine him from head to toe. He has a hollow, tan face and prominent cheek bones. He is very well dressed in a suit and bow tie, obviously expensive and fitted well. His posture isn't bad, he sits handsomely on the chair, he almost has a jagged look to him. He looks around at the other people sceptically, as if examining each and every one of them. He turns back towards me and I am greeted with bright blue eyes.

     "So, what's this rose doing in a field of daisies?" he says with a smirk. I smile slightly and roll my eyes.

     "Oh, please, I'm no rose," I say shyly, taking a sip of the wine to loosen myself up.

     "I disagree, just look around you. Everyone here is boring and ordinary." He points to a group congregated across the room, "See them? They're probably talking about politics," he gestures to another group, "and they're probably laughing over the weather. But you, you're a perfectly respectable woman sitting all alone with a glass of wine talking to a stranger. You stick out amongst the crowd but still have a slight prickle to you with an impassive face like that. You, my dear, are a rose." He claims, cocking his head to the side and taking a gulp of wine.

     "Well then, you must also be a rose." He chuckles at this and shakes his head. "Here you are, a perfectly respectable gentleman, dressed in the finest of silks, talking to a lonely girl in a boring blue dress and bribing her with a glass of wine. You also stick out, with a slight prickle to you with an attitude like you run the world." I say, swishing the red liquid around in my glass. He raises his drink.

     "To being roses then, roses in a field full of daisies," I raise my glass to his and we both take a sip. We look away from each other as to avoid awkwardness, but the space around us remains stiff.

     "So, what's your name, princess? I don't think I've seen you around here before," he inquires, flagging down a waitress smartly dressed in black and white for more wine. She sets down a glass from her tray in front of the gentleman but I wave her off before she can offer me another.

     "Sophia Promise, or Sophie, I don't really mind what people call me. I've lived here for a while but I usually don't come to parties this side of town, my friends convinced me to this time. And who are you?" I ask, trying not to sound too curious. He grins, showing a set of perfectly white teeth.

     "Honey, if I told you, you wouldn't believe me. Just call me J." He replies, downing the last wine and starting the other one. I smile at him and he returns the favour. People begin to gather in the middle of the room and start to slow dance to the soft music. J rises from the seat and holds his hand out.

     "Care to dance, sweetie?" he asks, eyebrows raised and teeth bared. I graciously take his hand and he leads me to the gathering. He politely places one hand on my waist and I place mine on his shoulder. We join hands and start to step to the music. He starts cracking jokes that make me have to stifle my laughter as to not disturb the proper atmosphere of the gathering. The alcohol gives me confidence and we talk quietly to each other as the songs drawl on. The music dissipates and we part. He looks at his expensive, black leathered watch almost angrily and frowns.

     "I'm afraid I have to go, may I give you a ride home?" he offers kindly. Looking around for the friends I arrived with, they are nowhere to be seen. I hesitantly accept his offer after concluding I have no other means of getting home. He leads me outside and to a very expensive looking car. I slide into the passenger seat of the sleek, white vehicle and buckle my seat belt. He climbs into the front seat and starts the quiet engine. As we drive along the dark and deserted roads, we make small talk about the weather and the area I live in. He likes to laugh a lot for no apparent reason.

     After sitting in silence for the last few minutes and staring out the window taking in the familiar surroundings, he pulls up in front of my house. I reach to open the door before saying something.

     "Um, thanks for the ride, I really appreciate it," I say shyly, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

     "Any time, darlin'," he says as he yanks my hand towards him, giving me a small fright. He gently kisses my hand like a true gentleman, his cold lips on my burning skin sending shivers down my spine. His icy blue eyes never break away from mine. My cheeks flush red and I smile, looking away. I climb out the car and he leans in and slams the door behind me. He shoots me a cheeky smile and drives off, waving goodbye as he does.

     I fish for my keys in my bag as I walk into the tall apartment building. I wave hello to Lenny, the doorman as I walk in and step into the creaky elevator. The number five flashes after I press the button to go to the fifth floor and wait patiently for the elevator to get moving. A tall, built up man with a black hoodie over his head steps in on floor two. He stands next to me as we ascend and I can smell his manly cologne wafting through the air. The tired elevator dings and comes to a stop at the fifth floor and I step off, relieved to get away from the man's odour.

     I saunter down the hallway to my apartment, number 513, and unlock the door. It closes behind me and I wonder into the dark kitchen, tossing my keys onto the granite counter. Opening the fridge, I grab a bottle of water to sooth the slight hangover I may have when I wake up. I grab an Asprin from my medicine cabinet to accompany it and make my way into my room. I change into my pajamas and settle myself into my queen sized bed. I stare up at the ceiling, replaying the night's events in my head over and over again. Was he real? Why was he being so nice to me? Who was he really? I ponder these things as I slowly drift off to sleep, dreaming of champagne and roses.

Hey everyone! I kind of don't know what to think about this first chapter, it seems kinda boring to me but that's probably because I've read it over so many times. I hope you enjoyed it! I'll hopefully be updating on schedule but I like to be completely satisfied with my work before I publish it, so sorry in advance. But I hope you stick with me throughout because I have many ideas for this story! Thanks :)


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