Chapter 18: If You Can't Beat 'Em. . .

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A/N: Oh boy, second last chapter. . . I may or may not add an exclusive thing before the finale, so be on the lookout for extras! Until then, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Peridot's POV

"This is worse than I feared," Garnet said, her cryptic expression hidden behind her shades.

"What do you mean?" Lapis asked, her voice slightly shaky.

Peridot stepped forward, examining the wall of torn out news articles and photos. In the dim light of the abandoned classroom, the team had set up a wall of evidence they'd collected. It was Peridot's idea, of course, especially since she loved feeling like she was in some sort of mystery show.

All of them were gathered here for their lunch break one monday, including Steven and Connie. Garnet had assembled them here, partly because she wanted to share information, and partly because she'd tried a group chat room over text (that hadn't gone very well).

Peridot took one good long look at every piece of paper on the board, recalling everything she remembered. "First, we found out that some strange society is watching us through cameras and keeping tabs on us." At this, she glanced over at what was once a camera in the corner of their hideout. Amethyst had smashed it, which offered them privacy.

Peridot continued, "The symbol with four diamonds was very obviously on every file. From that, it's safe to assume that this society is working with the school staff to find out more about us."

"What was the next piece of info after that?" Lapis wondered aloud.

Peridot's voice lowered. "Next, we met Silo. We found the symbol in her basement, which can mean one thing: these people sent Silo to experiment some sort of weapon on us."

"The destabiliser," Amethyst said, her expression dark.

"I'd like to assume that they've only created this weapon to use on corrupted gems," Peridot said. "Perhaps they mean no harm to us. Especially after the article about their new weapon, it's stated that destabilisers will be sold to everyone as a weapon of defence against corrupted gems. Nowhere in their article does it mention us.

"With that said, I think it's safe to assume that we'll be fine- and the Diamond Authority's intentions are good." Peridot stopped, glancing around for everyone's approval. What she saw on their faces was anything but approval. In fact, they looked scared and skeptical.

Connie spoke up. "I don't know, Peridot, they did test the weapon on you. It didn't seem like they cared whether or not it really hurt you. They could pose a potential threat towards gemkind."

Peridot took in Connie's words. "You do have a valid point, Constance. In fact, if I remember Silo's words correctly, she said that they'd be "taking" me. I-I'm not sure when or where, but. . ." She broke off. "They have what they want. A weapon. Something that can severely harm us."

Surprisingly, Peridot felt a lump in her throat. She tried to speak again, but the words caught in her throat. Thinking about that horrible day she'd spent with Silo was painful enough as it was. She was reminded of how helpless she truly was. Peridot didn't have any cool abilities. She couldn't fight. She was surprised she'd been able to make it through her theory.

Garnet seemed to notice the change of emotion. Peridot wasn't sure how, but Garnet always just seemed to know. She stepped forwards and placed a hand on Peridot's shoulder, turning to everyone else. "To conclude this meeting, I'd like everyone to be more careful from here on out."

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