Chapter 1: The Newbie

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'New school, new people. New people, new first impressions.' Those were the exact words running through Peridot's mind as she walked up to the set of blue double doors. After that last school, she was hoping to start fresh and make some actual friends. Although Peridot could come off as cold and harsh, she was actually quite nice once you get to warm up to her. It just takes a bit of talking and hanging out.  However, she wasn't sure if she wanted to make any new friends anymore.

Opening the doors and stepping into the front porch, she immediately flinched from the sound. Laughing, talking, squealing, the usual. Peridot clutched the straps of her backpack and made her way into the mass of middle-aged angsty teens. The smells were overwhelming, too. Passing by some douche bags gave her a whiff of smoke, sweat, and possibly something illegal. Passing by a group of chattering girls- not to mention the smirks they gave her -and she felt like she was going to pass out from all the perfume.

As she made her way down the hall and to her locker number, key in hand, she dodged a few kids who were having a ridiculous fight in the middle of the hall. Her glasses were knocked askew and she hissed as someone stepped on her foot. When she finally found her locker, number 117, she unlocked it and threw her bag inside, as well as her lunch bag and a few other things. A couple was sitting on a bench nearby, the girl leaning on the boy's shoulder and taking selfies. And they wanted her to go to this school, why, again?

Peridot sighed, taking out her binder and closing her locker, only to come face-to-face with one of the girls from before. She had long, straight, brown hair that draped over her shoulders. She wore a loose grey tank top and shorts that looked a little too much like underwear. Her stench wafted over Peridot like a wave crashing against a beach. She had to breathe through her mouth to avoid a headache, but couldn't avoid sneezing.

"Hey, you must be new," the girl purred, leaning against the neighbouring locker.

Peridot wrinkled her nose and gave a look of disgust. "Yes, and before you ask any questions, I'd rather not be anywhere near the likes of you," she hissed. So much for first impressions.

The girl straightened up and widened her eyes. "Chill, newbie, you don't have to be rude. It's not like I came over here to hand out party invitations, anyways." Her voice was icy and hostile.

"Look, I don't want to start any fights," Peridot muttered, pushing past the girl and starting towards her first class.

The girl had shot back a reply, but it was muffled. Peridot muted everything out as she went down a couple sets of stairs and finally made it to the right classroom. She pushed the door open with her bandaged hand, and was a little surprised at what she saw.

The classroom was normal, the teacher seemed normal, but there were other kids in the classroom, waiting for the bell to ring. The funny thing about most of them was the fact that they, too, had gems. There were three of them sitting together, one with poofy black hair and sunglasses, her hands on the desk to reveal a gem on each hand. The second one was tall and slim, her sandy hair pulled back in a bun. There was a Pearl right in the centre of her forehead. The third one was much shorter, her long, light purple hair down to her knees. She had a purple gem on her chest.

Their attire seemed normal. The first one wore sweatpants and a typical sports jacket. The second one wore a blue and white tank top with yellow shorts and slipper-like shoes. The purple one wore a similar sports jacket and ripped jeans.

There was another group of kids, about five of them, with only one that stuck out. They all seemed to be the big buff bullies, but the one that must have been the leader was quite scary. She had long, scruffy hair that was pulled into a ponytail, a tank top, and red shorts. She had unrealistic muscles, cat-like Amber eyes, and instead of a nose, she had a jagged gem, supposedly Jasper.

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