A/N (sorry. . .)

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I know, I know, you're probably frustrated because I haven't updated in a month.

I guess I just have a crap ton of bad news.

Truth is, I haven't even started typing the next chapter.

I guess I don't have too many excuses, but here goes.

When it comes to romance, I wasn't really aiming for much in this story. It started out based around the two most basic ships: Lapidot and Pearlmethyst. 

But over time, I developed a strong liking for Pearlidot. 

The fandom ( and fanfictions ) have kinda ruined Lapidot for me. Here's the thing, though. 

I know it was wrong of me, but I developed Peridot's character to be a little more like myself. She's shy, awkward, imaginative, very very gay, and sometimes I can't help but think of myself as Peridot (says the person who flaps their arms and screams whilst running around playing gay tag).

This, unfortunately, also means that Peridot is self conscious and insecure and she's very sure she's an asexual.

Lapis, however. . .

Anyways, my point is. . . I can't see Lapidot as anything other than an abusive relationship or an awkward sort of thing, especially after everything that's happened.

Let's get to the fact: I really want Pearlidot to be the main ship.

It literally feels like cancer cells are being spewed all over me whenever I have to type another Lapidot scene.

But at the same time, that might mean I'll lose some readers. 

And even if I stick with Lapidot, I might still lose readers. And my own interest in this novel.

So, my point is, I'm switching to Pearlidot. 

Before I get any butthurt comments, 

I'd like to say that 

A- this was originally created for the story, not the romance

B- If I wanted to type a Lapidot fanfic, I would've just done that

C-  If that's what you wanted, you came to the wrong place

D- I will not tolerate any hateful or butthurt comments

E- If I have to continue with Lapidot, then I can't guarantee I'll continue at all :)))))

Now, on a lighter note, this is a quick update!

Next chapter, you get to find out a little more about Jasper; who she is, what happened to her, and why she does those awful things. 

I'll type it as soon as I can, but I can't guarantee it'll be published anytime soon. These next few months are going to be pretty busy! 

And for those of you that ship Pearlidot, your ships shall reach the port safely!

Thank you for reading! 

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