Chapter 9: Parting Ways

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( A/N: again, I'm very sorry about the hiatus! Hope you enjoy this chapter! It took a really long time to type, due to how slow-going it was, but I picked it up and tried to add as much excitement as possible!

I would also like to mention that I'm going back to posting on Mondays only. I'd like to put more time and effort into these from now on.

Oh, and also, the fanart was done by Kowskie on tumblr! )


"You WHAT?" Amethyst asked skeptically, eyes wide.

"I'm moving to another city," Vidalia said, her voice thick with sympathy. "I guess my parents are just looking out for me. They want to move to a place more quiet." She paused. "You know... Without a bunch of man-eating gem monsters."

Amethyst, who was only half Vidalia's height ("it's only because she's in high school!" Amethyst always protested ) spoke up again. "But you're, like, the only one that understands me! Do all those times mean nothing to you?" She couldn't help it. Her best friend in the entire world was leaving. Often, at times, she couldn't put up with school or her parents or Garnet and Pearl, so she'd go to Vidalia. Now, she'd have no one.

The taller girl sighed, a small smile on her face. "It's alright, Am, I'll keep in touch. It's not like it was my decision to leave Beach City." She stopped. Amethyst didn't look too convinced. "And have you forgotten why I invited you over?"

They were standing out front of Vidalia's house, early one Saturday morning. The sun was rising slowly over the water, embracing the city and lining the snow with a warm, winter glow. There was a hauling truck parked on the road, Vidalia's parents were nowhere in sight, and Amethyst had only just come over.

The purple gem chuckled awkwardly. "Oh, right," she muttered, her voice low. "Lemme guess, we're spending the whole day packing?" She asked unenthusiastically.

Vidalia laughed a bit. "Actually, that's all taken care of. I was thinking we could walk around beach city, revisit the boardwalk, bring back the memories. You up for it?"

Amethyst hesitated, then smiled. "You know I am."

Vidalia brushed a strand of blonde hair from her face and shoved her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket. "So, where should we go first? Boardwalk Fries? Fish Stew Pizza? Salon?"

Amethyst Followed Vidalia's actions, putting her hands in her pockets. She shrugged coolly. "I dunno, I kinda feel like some donuts."

"Niiiice," Vidalia said, her voice cool as an ice cube.

They set off together, walking in the morning light. Amethyst had known Vidalia for years. It must've been her first day of middle school. Grade six. She didn't know anyone. All of her elementary school friends had either drifted away or moved to a different school.

After a few weeks of picking on people, sitting alone, and getting into all sorts of trouble, Vidalia had approached her. She was always the older, cooler one. Amethyst didn't remember exactly how it had gone and nor did she care. They had rarely fought, they'd always had each other's backs, and they were nearly inseparable.

They entered the donut shop, the smell of donuts and an assortment of ice cream treats welcoming them. Vidalia walked up to the counter and Sadie, the plump little cashier, looked up from her book. "Oh, hey, Vidalia," she sighed. Everything about her face just screamed "I'm so bored". "What brings you to The Big Donut so early in the morning?"

"Oh, Amethyst and I are spending my last day here doing all the fun things we used to do. How come you seem so-" before Vidalia could finish her question, Sadie bolted up, eyes wide.

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