Chapter 10: Lazuli's Lament

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( A/N: Ah, yes, the chapter we've all been waiting for! Before you begin, let me quickly mention the fact that there is a bit of violence in this chapter. Some of the pain I've described is stuff I've had to relive, so it's a pretty damn meaningful chapter. Hope you enjoy! I've put more than enough time and effort into this, and I've read through and edited countless times! ( hopefully all the sleepless nights were worth it! )

And, also, art was done by Wi-fu on deviantart! )


Peridot let out an annoyed sigh. "I forgot to study for the math test today..." "I woke up late..." "Didn't eat any breakfast..." "This test is going to be a wreck..." "My allergies were acting up! In the winter!" "My ankle is going to be the death of me!" "Today is going to be the worst day ever!"

Lapis was launched with pessimistic comment after pessimistic comment. Her eye lid twitched. Every complaint was another spark of hope extinguished. She could hardly take it. And right when Lapis was feeling cheerful, too.

It was mid December. Again, a pretty squashed timeline. The Wednesday before school was out for Christmas holiday. The snow was piled high outside the school walls, much too cold for anyone to go out. Every staff member was surprised to have more than half the school show up on a day like today. Peridot must've gotten it worse than anyone else, having to walk to school through the endless mounds of snow, limping like a zombie.

Lapis sighed in frustration. It had always been this way. Since day one. Peridot was nice, funny, adorable, and an amazing friend. But she had one huge flaw that Lapis didn't dare mention. Peridot was such a pessimistic person. She was sure she'd never run into someone so dedicated to the dark side. Did Peridot ever realize that? Did she ever think that maybe, just maybe, Lapis might be affected by the it?

It was the first hour of the day and Peridot wouldn't shut up. Lapis could've sworn she'd spoken at least fifty negative things within the first half hour, most of them having to do with her broken ankle. Her green nerd was being unbearably annoying. She figured that maybe it was about time she let Peridot know.

During their first break, Lapis walked with Peridot along the abandoned hallway, stopping when they reached a fork in the path. Lapis turned on her heel, causing Peridot to stop dead in her tracks. It was almost as though the other gem expected a slap across the face.

Peridot spoke before Lapis had the chance to open her mouth. "What is this about, Lazuli? I told you I need to study for that math test!"

Lapis felt her patience wearing thin. If her mental feelings were reality, Peridot would be driving a hammer over and over into her tolerability. She clenched her hands into fists. Truth be told, she almost considered slapping Peridot across the face.

"Peri, I need to tell you something," Lapis hissed, surprised at her own hostility.

Peridot raised an eyebrow, but seemed otherwise unamused. "If this is about how horrible my hair looks today, I'll have you know, my morning wasn't the best."

Lapis bit back a cold reply. She hated having to do this. She hated holding back because she was too nice. "Oh, believe me, it isn't about your hair." She paused, taking a deep breath.

She then launched into argument mode, her hands following her speech. "Look, I'm sick of your pessimistic comments, okay? They drive me insane! I honestly thought today was going to be a good day, and you ruin it with your pointless negativity! Seriously! What is your problem!" Lapis spat, wearing a face she'd never used on Peridot.

Peridot widened her eyes. She seemed surprised for a moment, but then a look of retaliation crossed her face. "Maybe I'm sick of all your hyper, optimistic, la-dee-da, fun comments. Is everything a joke to you? You NEVER take me seriously! I never seem to get a point through to your head!" Her method of talking with hands was more frantic and violent. She pulled at her hair, pulling her eyebrows down and constantly having to readjust her glasses.

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