Chapter 17: The Calm

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Hey everyone! This author's note is just here to let you know that this chapter is relatively short (my apologies for that). 

After this chapter, only two more and then this fanfic will be done! Weird xD I didn't think it would come so late. 

Anyway, you're either going to hate this chapter or love it (or both). Have fun!

(Also, my apologies if it's too fast paced!)

Peridot's POV

"How does this one look?" Lapis asked, sporting a strapless, glittery white dress with sequins that reflected the light.

"Too flashy," Peridot replied, trying not to squint at the brightness.

"This one?" Lapis asked after five minutes, now wearing a simple black dress.

"Not fancy enough." Peridot returned to her notebook, scribbling down some notes.

"Okay, I think this one is good. What do you say?" Lapis asked one last time. She wore a simple, blue two piece dress. It exposed her belly and a bit of her back. Honestly? It was adorable.

"It's perfect!" Peridot exclaimed, smiling. She then returned to her notes.

"Thanks, Peri!" Lapis said, and Peridot didn't need to see to know that the blue gem was smiling. But when she spoke again, her tone was much different. "Don't you think you should pick out a dress?" She asked.

Peridot looked up from her notes and shrugged. "I'll just wear whatever I find."

Lapis sighed and shook her head. "I thought Amethyst was supposed to teach you about fashion!"

"She did!" Peridot said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well then, she must not have done a very good job." Lapis walked over to a Peridot and took ahold of her arm, hauling her to her feet. Peridot let out a little yelp of alarm. "We're gonna find a dress for you to wear, whether you like it or not."

Peridot dropped her notebook and pencil in the process, and didn't have time to grab them. "Wait! I don't even want to wear a stupid dress!" But her dear friend was persistent.

Here's what happened.

Since the lemonade stand was such a big success and the other students had also raised enough money, the grade eights would be taking the trip to the masquerade ball. It would take place over the following weekend, and Lapis and Peridot had decided to have another famous sleepover that Friday night. They had planned that, on Saturday, Greg Universe would drive all of them to Empire City. And that meant Steven, Connie, all three of the crystal gems, Lapis, and Peridot. Peridot didn't look forward to the drive.

Once the party ends, they'd stay at a hotel in the city. Sadly, they'd come back in time for school- but it wouldn't be too agonizing. After all, ever since Lapis and Peridot had joined the dreaded Crystal Gems, Jasper's gang had laid off and their lives had become significantly better.

And so, since Lapis and Peridot were having a sleepover, they had to try on dresses.

Lapis eventually settled on handing Peridot a green dress she'd used when she was younger. It was a little big, but it was quite comfy and Lapis couldn't seem to get over how adorable Peridot looked. It was a short sleeve, frilly green dress that went a little past her knees. The skirt displayed various shades of green, and there was a little flower on the shoulder. Peridot pretended to dislike it, but deep down, she wished she could keep the dress.


Next day, just after eating lunch, Mr. Universe showed up at Lapis' house. The two piled their duffle bags into the back of the van and hopped inside, where everyone else already sat, waiting. Steven sat in the front seat with Greg, while everyone else sat on the floor in the back. Peridot had never seen a layout quite like this, but she was sure it would be interesting.

Lapis settled down next to Amethyst, who was wolfing down a bag of Cheetos. Garnet sat nearby with Connie, and Pearl sat on the other side of the van. Since Peridot was sure Lapis was fine with it, she took her spot next to her tall friend. Pearl- who was wearing a fancy suit rather than a dress -complimented Peridot's dress and the two of them began easy conversation.

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