Chapter 13: Taken

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the delay! I had a few breakdowns and was overall upset about. . . Well. . . Everything, but I hope you enjoy this chapter! I've been planning this since July! Anyways, let's get straight to it! 

Last chapter. . .

Silo's laugh was heard from behind her, and Peridot placed one hand on the floor to steady herself. "What. . . What did you. . . Do to me. . . ?" She asked, even though she knew the answer. Silo had drugged her.

"Sorry, Peri," Silo laughed, "but you're mine now. . ."

And that was the last thing Peridot remembered before her eyes closed and she collapsed. 


Lapis fell backwards onto her bed, her fingers sore from the strings of the ukulele. Bored and tired, she grabbed her phone and was surprised to find a message from Peridot.

Lapis sat up and plugged her left ear to block out all surrounding noises as she listened to the message. Her eyes widened a bit, and then she felt sick to her stomach. She knew she couldn't go rescue Peridot, and this message had been sent an hour ago. She had Silo's address, but she also had a family reunion.

Besides, Peridot had been pretty cold earlier that day. And Lapis had acted pretty stupid. She hated thinking about Peridot. She couldn't deal with this.

So, letting out a sigh, she made her decision. She dialled the correct numbers- for once -and eagerly waited for an answer.

Then, finally, Garnet picked up. "Who is this?" She asked.

"Lapis," the blue gem said, her voice a frantic whisper, "and I need your help."


E A R L I E R    T H A T    E V E N I N G

Pearl and Amethyst sat together as Garnet dozed off. As Crystal Gems, they needed as much sleep as they could get. And while Garnet could fall asleep within seconds, Pearl and Amethyst weren't so lucky. They laid in silence, staring out the window at the starry, moonlit sky. There weren't too many stars, but the moon was beautiful enough to play their role.

And then, through the silence, Pearl spoke. "Amethyst?"

"Yea?" Amethyst asked, sitting up a bit.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" Pearl asked, reaching for Amethyst's hand.


Pearl let out a sigh. She knew this wouldn't be easy. "I noticed you've been a little off all week."

"Stop it, Pearl," Amethyst snapped. "I don't want to talk about it. And it's not like you'd care, anyways."

Pearl tore her gaze away from the window to look at Amethyst. The purple gem's face was hidden underneath her hair. "Amethyst, that isn't true!"

"Okay, well, even if I told you, nothing you say could make me feel any better!" Amethyst hissed, turning to face Pearl with a look of annoyance and anger.

Pearl paused, unsure of what to say. "Alright. . ." she sighed. "But if you ever want to talk about it, I'll be here."

They were swallowed by silence again. The air was thick with tension. Neither of them spoke. It was dead quiet.

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