Chapter Thirty-one

Start from the beginning

"Of course. I watch everyone in my pack to know how they are doing and help them if they need it," he said while his eyes weren't on my face, but trailing down my body. I had on a black sports bra with light blue on it and matching athletic shorts. His eyes lingered on my stomach and I unconsciously took a small step back.

He looked back up so his eyes met mine. "Why are you wearing that?" He asked gesturing to my clothes.

I placed my hands on my hips. "Because I was training," I responded in a 'duh' tone. He frowned at me but didn't say anything. Before he turned to leave, he said to me,"I'm taking you somewhere tonight so dress casually." He then walked away.

I watched his back for a moment, confused. I was about to walk back over to Winter when a hand gripped my wrist, stopping me.

"Back off," a snobby voice hissed at me. I turned to Stephanie and threw her an annoyed look.

"What do you want?" I snapped at her, clearly not in the mood to deal with her shit.

She glared at me. "I want you to leave Parker alone. He doesn't wanted you," she sneered. I rolled my eyes at her.

"That's rich coming from you," I retorted. "Are you sure it's me he doesn't want? Besides, how can I back off and leave him alone when he's my mate? Date always finds it's way." My words even surprised me a little bit I ignored what I was feeling inside. I'll think about it later.

Stephanie scowled. "He's just using you to get a pup to keep the bloodline going. After, he'll kick you out and make me Luna. He told me himself."

'She's lying,' Irene said. 'She's just trying to get rid of us. It's not going to work.'

I agreed with her and laughed dryly at Stephanie. "How pathetic. Coming up with lies so you can have a man who you know has a mate. You know that's looked down upon, yet you're doing it anyways. Go find yours and leave mine alone," I said coldly to her.

She opened her mouth to say something but Matthew's voice cut her off.

"Break's over," he called. Everyone moved over to him and Parker was standing there as well.

Once everyone was over there, Parker began talking. "We believe there will be an attack in just one month. We need to train as much as we can." His voice was loud and clear. It bounced off the the walls of the gym.

Someone spoke up from the crowd. "How do you know someone is planning to attack?" They asked.

Parker looked at them before looking around. "We interrogated a rogue who trespassed with another rogue and a hunter." Murmurs and whispers erupted at the mention of a hunter seen with rogues.

When Parker cleared his throat everyone hushed. "We will interrogate the others tomorrow. As for right now, we will keep guard up by doubling the patrolling around the borders. Any questions?"

No one said anything and Parker just nodded his head before dismissing us. I walked to Winter. "Are you going to the prison tomorrow for the interrogation?"

She shook her head. "No, Zander doesn't want me there. He was pissed that I went earlier, but whatever."

I saw Zander approaching her so I said bye and decided to leave. I stopped in my tracks when I noticed Stephanie talking to Parker and touching his arm. I felt anger surge through me of him touching other females or them touching him. I know that's very hypocritical for me to think like that because of my past self, but these feelings I couldn't get rid of. However, that anger disappeared when I watched him push her hand off of him and tried to walk away. I couldn't help but smirk.

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