Jack Napier is Dead

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Heels clicking as I walk down the hall towards deparment J, I get lost in my thoughts.

'How could a human cause so much distruction and not feel any remorse? What made him so heartless? Why hasn't he mentioned any of his personal information to me? Why is he so god damn hot? Why does he seems so determined to suduce me? Why why why?'

Getting frustrated I realize that Im already in front of his cell. I swipe my code card and the doors creak open to reveal my grinning patient.

"Is it that time already Dr.Quinzel," he says with a growing smile.

"I suppose so," I reply while sitting down.

"I live for these moments with you Harleen," he exclaims with a joyus smirk across his face.

Hiding my cherry red face I look over my notes."Now tell me Joke-," I was ubruptly cut off.

"Mr.J," he says so rudely.

"Mist-humh," I clear my throat fighting my accent, "-Mr.J. Since its our fourth meeting I would like to know you more personally. I have come to find out your name is Jack Napier. Is that correct?"

Wincing at the mention of his true identity, he answers "No, he has been long dead. I am the Joker, the Clown Prince of Chaos!"

"How did this alter ego die," I ask, trying to hiding my excitement at breaking through.

"How 'bout we talk about you Harleen?" Dodging questions, a sure sign of discomfort with the topic.

"Thats not appropraite fo-," agian with the cutting me off!

"Dodging questions a clear sign of discomfort with the situation," he tisks his tongue. Thats exactly what i thought about him.

"Not even mistah J, Im supa comfortable talkin bout-" stopping myself in my tracks I realize that he knows exactly what hes doing to me. How did he let that side of me out?! I havent spoken like that since senior year! What about him drove me so mad? Why did it drive me mad?

"You have a beautifully peircing voice Dr.Quinzel," smiling at me with his silver teeth I cant help but smile ful force back.

I was absolutely insane if I thiught this was even slightly acceptable? Might as well comit myself to this very asylum! But I must say his smile is very comforting in a way...What am I even thinking?

Shaking my head slightly to wipe the smile off my face, I manage to get myself together."This session is over since you have decided to break patient-therapist code."

Getting up and marching towards the door with my head held high, attempting to snow that Im above his gimics.

"Hope you enjoy my suprise Harleen," he says with a slow menacing laugh.

Im scared shitless for what Im about to find. I have to slightly gather myself as I crack open my door and find a vase with a single red rose and a note.
It read 'come down and see me sometime -J'.

Why is he making it seem like I dont already see him everyday.

My knees buckel and my face goes cherry red as a huge grin dominates my face.

Like insanity spread across my face.


Sorry its shorts but if I go anyfurther than this chapter would be way to long! I swear i will updatr soon! Thank you for the support you guys!

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