Forgive? Part 3 (Uruha x Reader) Part 3

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*Uruha's POV*

It's been 6 months since I last saw y/n. I've tried calling her but as always, I get sent to voicemail. I've called so many times that at this point, her voicemail is full. All the messages I've sent her are left unread. Every single possible way I tried to contact her was futile. Never once did she answer any of my texts, phone calls or messages. I've now realized just how bad I've fucked up. By the time I went back home after the incident,  all of her items were gone. I looked for her all over the house. I yelled her name but nothing. I came to the realization that she was gone. The only trace of her left was a note she wrote and the spare key to your apartment. The note was bit crumbled and had many stains of tears.  When I read everything in it, it killed me. I never realized what she felt and how she felt. It was painful to read. I lost her. I lost my everything. And now I sit in silence as my heart aches for her. I then realized there was also a picture of us next to where the note and spear key had been. I tried looking for her everyday that went by. I wasn't home very often since I was always out looking for her. I constantly visted all her favorite places in hopes of finding her there. But as always, nothing. I haven't shown up to many band meetings either. The guys knew the situation had affected me very much. So they understood why I was taking time off. Everyday I focused on finding my beloved. At the moment I was sitting in the very café in which we met. How I remember. It was a day I'll never forget.
I had just got out of a band meeting and decided to stop by a nearby café. It was was rather cold and the evening was still young anyways so why not, right? As I stepped in I saw that it was full. Almost every chair except for two were taken. One was with a woman who seemed to be all by herself. She was on a laptop typing away. The other chair was a man who seemed to have been waiting for someone since there was a coffee in front of the empty chair. So I decided to sit by the girl. She was very attractive if I do say. She had h/c, h/l, hair and beautiful e/c orbs. I decided that I would sit by her after I got my coffee. As I waited in line I looked back to see if she was still there. Unfortunately I found the table empty. I was a bit disappointed but I guess she had some other business to attend to. I got called up next and ordered my usual. Even though I come here often, I had never seen this girl here before.  I waited for my coffee to be prepared in the waiting area and saw that the next customer was up. That very customer just so happened to be the same girl at the table I was going to sit at. I then received my order and decided I'd pay for the beautiful lady. "Will that be all sir?" The lady at the counter asked. "Umm no, can you add the order of the lady behind me to mine as well?" I asked. "Sure thing." She responded. "Thank you. " With that, I got my wallet out and paid the two coffees. "Thank you and come again!" I heard the cashier say. I then moved out of the way and waited. "Here's your order Miss." I heard the cashier say " Thank you. How much is it? " y/n asked. " None. The gentleman over there paid it for you already . " The cashier said pointing to me. I blushed a little as I waved to her. I could see a bit of pink surfacing on y/n's cheeks. I found it cute. I watched as she thanked the cashier once more and then she came walking over to me. " Thank you for paying it for me. You really didn't have to but it was really sweet of you. Thank you " she said "No problem at all." We stood there in silence for a bit when she finally made the invitation for me to sit with her. "Would you like to sit by me? I'm here alone and there's not many places to sit. It's the least I could do. Maybe we could chat a bit of something?" She asked a bit shyly. "Sure. I have time. " and sure enough we talked for a while. I enjoyed talking to her. I learned her name, which was beautiful as expected. She began to tell me about herself, her interests, hobbies and many other things. She was a very interesting person and had many things in common with me. I felt something for her. Sort of an  attraction to her. Something in me was telling me I needed to get to know her better that I needed to be around her more often. She arose and interest in me that no one else has. But one thing was for sure is that she was beyond beautiful. Both in and out. "Excuse me, but we're closing now. We really need you both to leave the premises now please. " we heard one of the workers say. Sure enough it was closing time. Most of the chairs were up on the tables and all the customers were gone except us. It had really gotten late. It was nearly 21:00. Yet, for some reason it didn't feel that time had gone by so quickly. Rather it felt short. " Oh right, yes. We will be on our way." I said. With that the worker thanked us and we made our way to the exit. " I had an amazing time with you." Y/n said. "I'm glad. I would really like to stay in touch with you. Maybe do something sometime." I felt a bit shy asking her so straight forward but I needed to ask here. I saw her face turn bright red again but also a smile form on her lips. "Um sure. That would be great. Here's my number." With that she wrote her number on a piece of paper she got out from her bag and handed it to me. "Alright, thank you. Then I guess I'll see you soon, y/n." I said . "Yes, sounds lovely. See you then Uruha." With that we parted ways and the rest is history. 
*Flashback over*
"Damn it! " I cursed. How I miss her. She was everything to me and now she was gone. I drank my now cold coffee and looked outside the big window. I watched as every person went by. All the couples that were walking hand in hand made me feel only more sadden. But one couple in particular caught my attention. They weren't holding hands but rathe they were hugging. It seemed as though they hadn't seen each other in quite some time. I know the way that looks because that was the same way y/n and I would be every time I came back from tour. The cafe was close to the train station so it's possible that that was the case. But upon further inspection, I realized that the both of them looked very familiar. The woman had the same characteristics as y/n and the man hugging her had pale skin and blonde hair. He was skinny and a bit tall. I decided to go take a better look. I got up and threw my coffee in the trash and left. I tried to get as close to them as possible but not enough to be seen. " I'm so glad your back, I missed you! " I heard the female exclaim. She sounded familiar. She sounded just like y/n. Could it really be her? No! It couldn't have been. She couldn't have moved on so quickly! I felt anger start to boil in me almost jealousy I could say. " I've missed you too y/n! " I heard the oddly too familiar voice of the male say. Now there was no doubt that it was y/n. I needed to get closer to them. They hugged once more and at that moment I made my move. I cleared my throat loud enough for them to hear. Once I caught their attention, they pulled away and I saw both of their faces in shock. "Uruha, what are you doing here?" Y/n asked in surprised. "The question is why are you with HIM? " I asked with anger evident in my voice. "I...uh I....uh" she tried to speak but I could see she was choked up. " Why are you here? Why are you with MY GIRLFRIEND? " I asked the male. He was a close friend of mine from another band. Yo-ka. How could this bastard do this to me? "Relax Uruha. She was just here to pick me up that's all.  And as far as I'm concerned, she's no longer yours. So she can do WHATEVER SHE PLEASES! " he said with anger clear in his voice as well. Y/n was standing behind him staring at me. I could see in her eyes she hadn't gotten much sleep and the once happy and joyful girl was now shattered. I could see it in her eyes just how bad this situation has got her.  I felt hurt just by the way she looked at me. Knowing that I caused her to be like this really hit me hard. Now Yo-ka had an angry look. It held a look almost of hatred. His eyes were intensely staring at me waiting for my next move. As I did as well.  "It doesn't matter. She loves me and I love her and I won't let you nor anyone take her away from me! " I said. Anger was starting to really become more evident. We were now drawing attention from the crowd and my fist was already clutched. Ready to strike him. "At least I wasn't the dick who fucking broke her. She came looking for me and now both her and I are happily together and you can't do anything about it! " Once I heard that, I immediately let my anger take control and soon my fist connected with his face. He began tumbling down while holding his face. He was bleeding. Soon enough he hit me and then things got ugly. Y/n was yelling at us to stop and tried to separate us but it was futile . "Please Uruha leave him alone. Stop it both of you! Right now! " we kept going at it until the cops got there to stop us. We were both separated by the cops and were handcuffed. We were then led to the cop cars and waited there for the officer. I saw through the window as y/n was talking to the officers. She was crying heavily and was trying to gain control of herself. If I thought I fucked up earlier, I really messed up now. Now she'll probably hate me for life. Yo-ka was next to me bleeding pretty badly. Bruises were starting to form on his arms and face and he had many cuts all around. As for me, I was pretty messed up too. I was bleeding and had cuts as well. But none of that hurt as much as it hurt to see y/n like this. "This is all your fault" I heard Yo-Ka say. "I know I fucked up. Now y/n is definitely going to hate me." " If you hadn't left y/n, this wouldn't have happened. The night you broke her heart she came to my place. Though we only met once, I couldn't let her sit out in the streets. Do you know how heartbreaking it was to see her in the condition she came in?!? She looked so broken, so weak. It made me feel an immense pain and you don't realize how much hate grew for you that night. Do you know how painful it was to see her crying day to night, see her not want to eat or sleep or go out?  just simply do nothing but cry?" You don't, do you? Everything she felt, I was there with her. I helped her along the way because you left her when she needed you most. Every time you called her,  every message you sent her, made her feel worse. I took care of here when you didn't, I gave her a shoulder to cry on when you wouldn't, I have her a home when you wouldn't. I gave her love, when you didn't.  She told me everything that happened that night and I swear I have never met anyone as cruel as you. You ruined an amazing woman for simple game? How could YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT? You have no right to come back in her life. You destroyed that beautiful soul by some simple words. Did she honestly mean nothing to you? But you want to know what's even crazier? She still loved even though you killed her very soul. Even now, the love she feels for you is something that I will never get.  Yet, it means nothing to you. Honestly, I don't know how she fell for someone like you. You're a disgusting excuse of a person." With all that said, he turned around and stared out the window. Now I know just how bad the situation really was. She really was broken then? Have I really stepped this low? What was I thinking? Why did I let this happen? Moments later the officers came in and started the car. We were on our way to the police station to settle this all out. The ride was silent for a few minutes. " I really don't get how you could be so cruel to such a warmhearted person. She means everything to me. Though I know she'll never love me the way she loves you I never gave up hope. We barely ever acted as a couple but whenever we did, it meant the world to me. I don't understand why I'm telling you this. Considering you don't care but I guess it's the fear I have of losing her. She's everything to me and even though she may never love me the same way. I still want her to be around in my life. The first time we kissed, I felt something so unexplainable so magical. But for her, I knew it wasn't something she wanted. I could feel the insincerity in her lips but even so I made the best out of that moment." He said with a sigh. The pain in his voice was enough to assure me that he really was in love with her. But the feelings he had were not the same that y/n had for him. "You wouldn't understand why I did what I did! You don't understand shit! I had to say this things to protect her from the unbearable truth! I did it out of cowardliness! I hurt her so that I didn't have to tell her about the unforgivable! That's why I did it! To protect her from a monster like me! " I finally blew up. He looked at me not understanding what I was saying but shrugged it off and turned around. The rage I felt knowing that someone else had touched her lips makes me sick. Damn you Yo-ka how I wished I would have done some serious damage! I needed to see y/n now! I needed to speak to her. I'm desperate to see her! Soon enough we reached the station. I saw y/n's car parked outside. The time had come for us to meet face to face. We were both escorted by the cops to a cell. The cops took off the handcuffs from both of us and we both tried to sit as far away from each other as possible. Minutes later y/n came in. " Yo-ka are you okay? How are you hurt? Are you in serious pain?" The look of worry she had on her face made me dread my very existence. She tried to hold him as much as she possibly could. She held to him tightly. Tears streaming down her face. I felt empty knowing that her heart was moving on. I myself felt tears trying to escape their way out but I forced them to stay. I couldn't let y/n see me this way. "Alright, Ms. I'm going to need you to step away from the man for a minute while we talk to him. " one of the officers said. They were motioning to Yo-ka. She looked more worried but Yo-ka tried to reassure her. "It's going to be alright. I'll be out before you know it. Okay?" With that she nodded and they kissed goodbye. I felt a pain in my chest when I saw them share a kiss. The tears were threatening to come out but I fought them off as hard as I could. I turned around and let a few of them escape. Once I heard the cell door close. I turned around waiting for the officers and Yo-Ka to exit the room. Y/n just looked at me and then walked towards the exit. My chance was either now or never. " Y/n WAIT! " She stopped in her tracks but didn't face me. "Please y/n , forgive me! I know I messed up badly. I realize that! But I want you back. I've been going crazy without you! I can't stand not having you in my life! Please, y/n look at me! " "Stop Uruha please. I have nothing to talk to you about! I have to go. Please just leave me alone! " she said. Her voice cracking more and more as each word left her lips. Though she still had her back to me I tried to convince her to look at me. "Please just listen to me! I know I messed up and honestly I'm truly sorry! You can't possibly be in love with him! I know you! Your heart still belongs to me! I know you still feel something for me! " she finally turned around to me but walked furiously to me. "You don't know anything! Please just stop and leave me alone! " I tried get her as close to me as possible. The bars were in our way but finally, I made my move. I quickly connected our lips. The feeling of that same passion we shared together was still there. She tried to escape by hitting me and punching me but soon gave in. After a bit we separated and I asked her. " Tell me that what we just shared meant nothing to you! Tell me that you only love him. Tell me that this kiss we just shared means nothing to you. Tell me that you no longer have feelings for me and are happily in love with him. Tell me that his touch alone makes you feel something more than mine ever did. Tell me all this and I will leave you alone. " I stared at her intently, searching for and answer but nothing. She couldn't deny that she still loved me. I could see it in her eyes. She stayed quiet for a but and then finally, I spoke. " Listen there's something I need to tell you. Even if you leave me after this. I want you to at least know the true reason I said those words. Why I told you I didn't love you. Why I acted so different prior to our break up. I want to come clean. But please don't say anything until I am finished? " I told her. "Uruha, please just stop already. It's over. I've moved on- " she said trying to leave. "Just listen to me. It's all I'm asking. " she thought for a moment and said: " fine. You have 5 minutes." " The reason why I said all this is because I ...I. ...I cheated on you. I slept with another woman two weeks prior to that night. That night I went to the bar with the guys when I didn't come home. I was with her. I didn't want you to find out at the time. The next day I saw you I couldn't bear with the fact I betrayed you. I couldn't face you knowing that I had betrayed the trust you had in me. I was coward. I tried to keep you away from the truth but only ended up hurting you more with lies. I know this is all coming out as a bomb to you but I needed to tell you this. Even if you leave me for him. I just want you to know that I do love you. I always have and forever will. You have been more than I deserve I know that now. I lost some one very special to me and will forever regret it. You're the only one for me and will always hold that special place in my heart. " by now the tears were already escaping my eyes. I had never cried in front of anyone before. Not even in front of y/n. This is how I truly know I meant everything I said. " I know it's too sudden but please give me another chance. I promise you with my life I would never EVER do this to you again. "
*3rd person POV *
You stared at him in disbelief. "It can't be true. It just can't be!" You screamed he tried to grab your hands but you quickly yanked them away.. If it hadn't been for the bars separating you two you would have smacked him right there and then. "I wish it wasn't but it is! Please I'm sorry! Please forgive me! Give me a chance to prove to you that I will never do it again! " " How dare you ask me to forgive you! What you did has no forgiveness! You expect me to forgive you after all that you've done?!? You're mistaken! I never want to see you again! Not only did you cheat but you lied to me! I will never forgive you! I never want to see you again!" "Please listen to me! I know I fucked up! But please give me another chance to-" " Save it! I don't want to hear another word from you! Times up. I'm leaving." With that you stormed out of the room and left "Y/n WAIT! " You heard Uruha say but you had already left by then. You then quickly left the station and walked to a nearby bench. Where you sat to let your feelings out. As you collected your thoughts, Yo-ka came out of the station as well."Hey are you alright? What's wrong love?" He came in hugging you from behind. You tried to calm yourself and tried to hide your agony. "I'll be fine. Let's just go home. Plus I'm more worried about you. You're injured. We need to get you cleaned up." "I'll be fine too. Don't worry my love. Let's go. It's been a rough day for the both of us. "And with that, you and Yo-ka went home.
•2 weeks later•
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Yo-Ka asked you. The look on his face made it very clear that he felt uneasy about it. " I'm sure. It'll be alright. "  you reassured him. "Alright, if you say so. I'll be waiting in here then. Be careful ok?" With that you nodded and exited the car. You stood in front of your former home. The very apartment complex in which you lived 6 months ago. You had made up your mind to talk to Uruha. The last two weeks had been nothing but trouble. Uruha hadn't made contact with you since their arrest. But you knew very well there was so much left unsaid. The very fact made you feel uneasy. For that reason you ended your relationship with Yo-Ka. Though you broke up, you both remained close friends. It hit him hard but he saw it coming. He knew your love for Uruha would not be the same type that you felt for him. Even so, he still wanted to remain as close to you as possible. You then sighed as you entered the building. Your heart beating a bit faster each step you took. Reaching the elevator, you press that exact floor number you had previously lived on. Once the elevator came to a halt you stepped out and began making your way down the hall to apartment number 20137. You took a deep breath and with your trembling hand, knocked twice on the white door.
*Uruha's POV *
"Are you sure you're up for this?" Asked Kai, concerned. "You know we don't have to do this right now. We can wait a bit more if you like?" Said Aoi in agreement. "No we have to. The band is my priority after all and I can't let my feelings get in the way. We have to continue on. Plus making new music keeps me distracted. Let's continue." I said. " But the thing is, it doesn't distract you. As a matter of fact, I think it's making your condition worse." Ruki said a bit depressed "You aren't yourself anymore. The more you write, the more depressing the music is. I've never seen you like this. I feel this whole situation is getting to you badly. You really need to give yourself sometime because one of these days you're going to-" We all stated in confusion as we heard a sudden knock on the door. " Who could that be?" Asked Reita. "Are you expecting anyone?" Asked Aoi " Apart from you guys, no." I quickly got up and answered the door. When I opened the door, I couldn't believe who it was. I couldn't believe my eyes who was standing there right in front of me. Silence between us is all it was. Reita then came from behind "Who is it? Oh hi,y/n. How are you? " "I'm fine, thanks" she said in a low voice. After a moment I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat."Alright, see you tomorrow Uruha. We'll be on our way." Said Kai "Yea, we'll continue tomorrow then. Rest well. Goodnight" Aoi said after wards. "It was nice to see you again y/n, well I'll be on my way. Goodnight." Ruki said as he exited as well. "Goodbye you two." Reita said as he shut the door. "Y/n. What are you-what are you doing here?" I asked my voice choking up in her sudden visit. With a sigh she responded " We need to talk." " Yea sure. Please sit down." I motioned to the couch. "Thank you." We both sat on the couch that we once shared. It was sort of a nostalgic feeling. She looked so much more tired. The fatigue was really shown now. Yet, she still remained beautiful to me. "So I've been thinking about everything you've told me. It has been bugging me since our encounter. There's something I've been meaning to tell you. I miss you. I have ever since we went our separate ways. " my eyes lit up the minute those words left her. It made me feel a sense of hope of getting her back. "Really? Wow I-" "Please hold on until I finish" I looked at her confused but agreed. "Right" she then continued. " I've been thinking about the whole situation. So I ended my relationship with Yo-Ka. Now, I've been thinking really hard about what you've done. I've though about it so much I haven't even slept all that well. And so now I've come to a conclusion. I've decided to forgive you" I was immediately filled with joy inside. I hugged her tightly and kept repeating thank you to her. "I'm finally getting you back" I said out loud. The moment I was waiting for. I was finally going to get y/n back. "Hold on though" she said while trying to separate the hug. "I may have forgiven you but that doesn't mean I'm coming back to you." Immediately my world came crashing down on me. I froze as she said that. Every ounce of hope I had was gone. I looked at her with the tears once again trying to leave "What?" "Precisely what I said. I do forgive you but what you did really hurt me and I can't be with someone like that as of now. Right now I wish to have time to myself. Just be away from the dating scene. I want no part of it. " I could see the hurt in her eyes. I understood where she was coming from. "What about us?" With a deep breath she said " One thing you should know is that I never stopped loving you. I don't think I ever will. You are my one true love. So for that reason I feel it's best if we split. You are the love of my life but I can't be with you after all this. Not right now that is. Maybe in the future there will be a possibility for us to try again but not now." This wasn't the answer I wanted to hear but it still gave me some sort of peace. If the possibility exist for us to be together then I will do whatever it takes to get her back. " I understand. Then if that's what you want I can't object to your decision. " "Friends?" "Friends." And with that we gave a hug for one last time and she left. Though this wasn't the outcome I expected. I am contempt with the way it ended.

Okay so this was the end to the Uruha series! Up next is Kai-San! So be ready for the next one. Sorry it took way to long to get it up on here but I have been having too many personal issues as of late that have just been nothing but chaos but I finally managed to do this. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little series. I couldn't decide on an ending so my best choice was this. Well I hope you all enjoy the last part and if you did please give it a comment, vote or both! Thank you so much for reading it and until next time! By the way, who's a fan of Diaura? I hope you guys like our special guest! ^_^ well I hope you have a nice day/night!  Once again thank you! Bye!
P.S. Thank you all for getting my story to 1k reads!
~the inside beast

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