The Cold Autumn (Ruki x Reader x Kai)

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Happy Autumn everyone! Ahh I love fall! It's my favorite season of all! It's so beautiful. Anyways, this was something requested by MiracleIsDead I hope you enjoy it dear!
F/n = friend's name.
On to the story.

It was the middle of autumn. The once green grass was covered in red, orange and yellow leaves. You were currently staring out from your window watching as the wind sway the leaves off of the branches. "Y/n. Are you ready to go?" Your best friend asked. You turned around to her as you sighed "yea, let's get going. " you said with a smile. Even so your friend knew deep down you really weren't ready. The day may have come but a part of you still felt a bit of doubt. "Are you thinking about Ruki again?" She asked you didn't say anything but she knew. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to. We could always call it off we still have time. " she insisted to you. You sat on your bed as you placed your face on the palms of your hands. " I just don't know! I thought I knew what I wanted but I guess I just don't anymore. Part of me wants to be with Kai but the other part of me still has strong feelings for Ruki. Is it possible to love two men at once? How can I do this know I will hurt the other? Why must I have fallen for the two?!" Tears slowly streamed from your eyes as you began your mind began to tangle in a mess. Even though the big event had been planned for a long time, your mind still troubled you of your thoughts. Your friend then moved closer to you, sitting next to you. "Y/n, please don't cry. Your makeup will be ruined for your special day. " she slowly began to wipe your tears as she spoke. " One can't love two at once. Your heart can only belong to one person. Now you can have strong feeling for another but love is different. See the thing is, love is something that you can't describe exactly how to feel for that other person. Who ever you choose is the one you should be with. Ask your self, who is the one you love? And do you see yourself with that person in the future? Right now, you have to think wisely because today could change your life forever." You thought and thought for awhile as you and your friend sat there in silence. " y/n it's getting late, you need to choose now. I hate to rush it but if you don't make a decision now, you're not going to accomplish anything. If you don't want to marry him, then go tell him. Don't just leave him there. Tell him straight forward. I'm sure he'll understa-" "No, I want to. I made my choice."you said as you shot up from your bed. "Are you sure about it?" She asked you "Positive." she sighed and got up to face you. "Well then let me retouch your make up since some of it smeared off when you cried." She said as she began to get brushes and some make up to began your touch up.
•Kai's POV•
"Has anyone seen y/n? She should be here. It's getting late!" I asked everyone as I paced around. I was currently in front of a church as I waited for y/n. I waited inside as planned but then time began to tick and now it was 20 minutes into what was suppose to be our wedding ceremony. I began to worry and decided to wait outside. I kept a look for the limousine she would come in but nothing. Then I realized that one of the groomsmen wasn't here. Ruki. I knew he had feelings for y/n, and at some point I'm sure she did as well. I began to think the worst. My heart began to pound like a drum in my chest."Excuse me, but is the bride coming or not? I have another wedding to do in about an hour and a half." The priest asked me. "She'll be here please just give her 5 more minutes." I pleaded. "Oh alright." He said and then left. I began to lose hope of her coming. "What if she doesn't come?" I heard one of the guest say. "She must be in an accident or something. She can't just leave him here without any explanation." "Maybe she decided she didn't want to be married anymore!" I heard others say. The very words that everyone kept saying only made the feeling worse. "She's here!" I heard someone say. I quickly smiled as I saw the limousine pull up in front of the church. Quickly, I made my way inside so the I could wait for her at the alter. After that, many of the guest began to pour inside the church. I waited patiently for my beautiful bride to step in. Even though her limousine was here, a part of me still felt doubt that something was going to happen. I couldn't pin point what "it" exactly was but the fact that Ruki still wasn't here made me worry some. But knowing Ruki, I know he wouldn't do something drastic from the time I've known him. Every time a problem presents he usually runs away from it so I doubt he'll do anything. Still, any man that falls in love would do something crazy for that one person.
•Y/n's POV•
"Let me go check if everything is ready to go so you can get off. I'll be right back, don't move." F/n said. She then told the driver if he could open the door and in seconds the door next to her opened. She slightly lifted up her blue silk dress as so not to step on it. She then gave her other hand to the driver who helped her out of the limo. When she got down I noticed that she stood there facing the driver but not a word was said. After a bit she walked off into the church. "What was that all about?" I asked my self just then I felt someone next to me. The door then was closed shut and followed by a recognizable voice "y/n. " that deep voice was all so known to me. I knew perfectly who it belonged to. Ruki.  I froze not knowing how to react. I was still faced looking at the church I couldn't bear to face him. "It's me." I now realize why f/n was staring. She must have realized who it was. Has he been the one driving us all this time? "What is it?" I asked trying to hide any emotion in my voice. "We need to talk. Please face me." He said as he put his hand on my shoulder. That familiar touch of his. It always gave me butterflies. And it still does. I turned around but not facing him, rather I stared at the floor. "Are you sure you want to marry him? It just doesn't make sense to me. It should have been me, waiting for you at the alter. It should have been me who would dance with you at the wedding reception. It should have been me who would tell you how beautiful you looked in that white dress. How those little diamonds on the dress make your eyes sparkle. How the dress hugs your body so elegantly. It should have been me who would be giving you that kiss after the priest says "you may now kiss the bride." I should have been the one in your future. I should have been the one that vowed to love you with every bit of my soul. It all should have been me!" He said as tears were starting forming in his eyes. "But it's not you, Ruki. It's Kai. All those things are for Kai to do. I got tired of waiting for you. I couldn't take the fact that you felt no desire to marry. How can I be with someone who doesn't want to go further in a relationship? I couldn't do it. Now it's too late and I'm going to be with Kai." Deep down those words hurt me but they were true. "Then tell me did you ever love me? Did you ever feel something for me?" He questioned you. He looked for an answer in your e/c orbs. "Please answer me y/n" he said now holding you with both hands. His piercing blue eyes stared at you in desperation for an answer.  "I did. I always did and part me feels that way still. But the other feels that my heart belongs to Kai." You now began to tear up once more. " Then if you feel that way then why are you marrying him? Why are doing this to yourself? Don't you think you'll regret it. I may not have been the first man in your life but one thing for sure is I do love you. I want to be with you. How can you tell me you love him if you feel that you love me as well! It's not possible! You can't love two people at once!" He began to raise his voice a bit. " I don't know Ruki! I don't know! I wish I knew so I wouldn't be confused! I can't take this anymore. The thought of all this has made me feel insane. I can't think right because you and Kai are always in my mind! If I knew how I felt I wouldn't be struggling to find out who it is I'm meant to be with!  " by now I was fully crying. I couldn't handle this situation anymore. It became so chaotic I had no idea what I was thinking at this point. "Then come with me. Don't step foot in the church. Come with me and maybe we can try it again. You told me yourself you still have feelings for me. Maybe we can start fresh and just maybe resurface those feelings we both have. So come with me and we can drive off to where ever you like. Far from here. I'll even leave the band if I must. But I want to be with you! Please just give me a chance. What do you say y/n? " he again looked to me for an answer. Just then I heard tapping on the window. It was f/n. It was her signaling me that it was time.  I now have to make the choice between Ruki or Kai. Whether to go off and marry the man with the beautiful smile and kind heart or go with the man who is willing to leave the very thing that he treasures most just to be with me.

And that is it for this imagine! I hope you all enjoyed it! Thank you all for taking your time to read it! If you enjoyed it, please give it a vote comment or both! Thank you all so much and until next time!
~The Inside Beast

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