Small Accidents (Aoi x Reader)

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You were preparing for your photo session with none other than the guitarist from The GazettE, Aoi. You had only heard of him but never really knew who exactly he was or how he really looked. You had only had this job for almost 5 months and so you were still rather new. You were photographing him for the new issue of R&R . You began to set up the cameras, laptop, the lights, the set you would be using, and everything else you needed for the shoot. You looked back at the clock on the white wall and saw that you still had 20 minutes before the guitarist would arrive so you decided to go to a nearby café and get yourself some coffee. Since the café was only across the street, you decided to walk there. It was the one you regularly went to everyday before work. You had woken up late today so you didn't have time to go earlier. Once inside, you went and waited in line to order. The line was rather short so you didn't wait much. You then got to the register and placed your usual order. You paid and then waited for your coffee. You looked at the time on your phone and saw you only 10 minutes before the shoot began. The barista then called your order and you went to retrieve it. As you turned around to leave, somebody bummed in to you, making you spill your coffee all over you. You yelped as you felt the hot liquid seep through your clothing and touch your skin. "I'm so so sorry!!!" You heard the stranger say. It was a man with sort of a deep voice. You looked up at the man. He had long raven hair along with some blonde in a couple of places. His eyes were covered by a pair of black sunglasses and his neck held a silver necklace with cross dangling to his chest. He was wearing a black and red plaid shirt with a black shirt underneath it. His black pants were ripped in some parts exposing a bit of his skin. He quickly grabbed some napkins from nearby and handed them to you. You then received the napkins and began to wipe off the dark brown liquid from your shirt. "It's fine I guess. Don't worry. I'll be fine." You said as you threw away the now filthy and wet napkins. "Please, allow me to buy you another one." He offered. "No, it's fine. I guess it'll have to wait." "No I insist. It was my fault. I made you spill it. The least I can do is buy you another." You looked at the time once more. This time you freaked since you only had one minute to get there. "Thank you for the offer but really, I have to get going." With that, you exited the café and started running towards the studio. When you got there you relieved to see that he still wasn't there. You quickly went to hunt around your bags to see if you maybe had another shirt around you could wear. But to your luck, found nothing. "Damn it." You growled under your breath. Just then you heard the door open behind you. You then turned around and grabbed a folder nearby so you could try and hide the stain. "Good morning, y/n." You heard your manager greet. "Good morning, boss." You greeted back "Aoi-san is here but right now he's getting prepared for the shoot so he should be in here momentarily. Are you set up already for the shoot yet? If not, you still have a bit of time but you need to make it quick." "Oh no, I'm ready to go. I'm just waiting for him so we can begin." "Alright, I'll let him know you're all good to go then." He responded " Okay, thank you." With that your boss shut the door and walked off. You set the folder down on a table and waited for the guitarist to come in. You sat at your laptop checking your email and other various things. 5 minutes later, you heard a knock on the door followed by the sound of the knob turning. The door then opened & a rather familiar voice chimed in: "Hello, I'm Aoi from the GazettE. I have a photo session with Y/N L/N. I was wondering if this is where the shoot is going to be held?" You knew that you some how recognized that voice but couldn't pin point from where exactly you knew it. You turned around and to your surprise, was the same man you encountered at the café. The rocker was carrying 2 big black guitar cases . There was also another man behind him who was carrying 2 other big black case that also held his guitars. You stood there in shock and speechless. You quickly cleared your throat and composed yourself. "Yyy-es you're in the right room. It's a pleasure to meet you Aoi-san. I am y/n." With that said you bowed as did he. "Y/n, I'm so so sorry for what happened earlier. I didn't mean to make you spill your coffee. After this please allow me to make it up to you." He offered once more. "It's fine. It's no problem, really." "Are you sure you're okay? The coffee did seem pretty hot and I'm almost sure it must have burned you." "Yes, it was hot but I'm fine now, thank you." You said politely. "Shall we begin with the session?" With concern present in his voice he said "Alright. I'm just making sure you're okay. But umm sure let's begin. " The man next to him than set down the guitar cases gently and began to open each case. The first case he propped open revealed a black, 6-string, right handed, guitar. He then handed it to Aoi. The man then opened the rest of the cases, each revealing each guitar it held. "Alright, how do you want to start off?" the guitarist asked. " How about we start with you sitting on the chair over by the black curtain. " you motioned. "Are we starting with the cover first or?" He questioned. "Yes. Would you like all of your guitars with you for it? " You asked. "Sure! That would be great!" he answered excitedly. "Alright well lets get started." you said. Obediently, the guitarist picked up another one of his guitars and walked towards the chair. He then set both of them down on the left side of the chair and received the other two the the man brought him. He set both of those down on the right side of the chair. The man lastly brought up a black guitar and handed to Aoi. He then sat down and got himself ready for the camera. "Hang on, let me position your guitars real quick." You then walked towards the guitarist and knelled down and positioned each guitar to certain angle. When you got to the last guitar, you glanced up and realized that he had been staring at you. You looked back at him and felt your cheeks flush pink when you saw him smirk at you. " You know y/n, you have really beautiful eyes." You felt your cheeks get even more warm. " ttt-hank you." you said shyly. With that you quickly got up and went to retrieve your camera to began. "Are you ready?" You asked "Yep, lets begin. " he replied. With that, you began to focus your camera and pressed on the button to capture the first image. With that, you began to take numerous pictures. The flashes from the camera were now seen through out the room and the superstar kept changing poses with each click that sounded. "Alright, that should be enough." you said as you let the camera hang around your neck from the strap. "Let's get some of you standing up over here" you said. "Okay with or without the guitars?" "Let's do some without the guitars and then we'll do some with them. " you suggested. "Okay." He sat the guitar down on the chair and walked towards where you directed him. He then began to pose and you positioned your camera ready to capture more photos of the man. As you captured each new image, you began to think and admitted to yourself you did find this man extremely attractive. You blushed at the thought but luckily the camera hid your cherry red face. After an hour or so of more photos, you finally finished the shoot. "Okay, that was the last one." you told him. "Oh great." he said. The man that had come in with him, began to put away the guitars in each of their respective cases. You were at your laptop loading the photos into it to show the guitarist. "Alright , let's look at the pictures so you can see which ones you like and which ones you don't. " Aoi had been behind you waiting for each image to load. "You're new here, aren't you?" he asked. "Yes, sort of. I've only been working here for a couple of months so. " you responded. "Thought so. Or else I would have recognized that pretty face of yours. " he said with a smirk. You felt your cheeks hot again and turned around to face him. "Thank you. You're too kind. " you stammered. He smiled back at you as did you. You turned around and began to show him each image. "Oh i really like this one." he pointed to a picture. "This one is also really cool. " you scrolled through each image and as he examined each picture thoroughly. After a couple of minutes, he finally chose each image he really liked. "You do a really good job at capturing these pictures. It's really hard to chose just a few." he stated "Thank you. I'm glad you like them. " At this point you realized that the space between you two had closen up a bit. He was only inches away from your lips. He looked at you with those dark brown orbs of his. "you know y/n, I'm really fond of you. How would you like to go on a date with me sometime?" he asked with smirk. "I-I-I don't know what to say." "How about a yes and I can pick you up on Friday at 8. That is, if you're not busy? " he said. With that, he grabbed your phone and began to put his number in. He took a quick picture to use as his contact photo and handed you back your phone. "Yea, Friday at 8 works. " you responded. He then handed you his phone and you punched in your number. After that you handed it back to him and began to close up your laptop and the rest of your gear since you were done with today's session. Just then you saw a flash go off and began to look for the direction of source. Then you saw it again and realized it came from none other than the guitarist. "What are you doing?" you asked sternly. You walked over to him to try and take the phone away from him but that encouraged him to take even more pictures. "Just taking a picture of this beautiful women so I can put it as her contact photo." "You really couldn't ask for one? I would have sent you one that I look decent in. Right now, I looked tired and I have coffee stains on my shirt. It really isn't a good day for pictures. " You said as you struggled with Aoi to get his phone. "Yea, that may be, but I still find you as beautiful as ever. " He said as he put his phone high in the air and out of your reach. At this point you both had reached a small plat form, that you use for some photo sessions, that was by the wall on the other side where you two had previously been . "Give it to me Aoi!" you demanded. at that moment you felt him lose his balance and as did you. With a thud you both hit the ground with you right on top of the man. " Are you okay? " you asked worriedly "Yea, I'm fine.what about you ?" " I'm okay. " you responded "Oh good. I"m glad." You both then started laughing at each other while on the ground. " Alright we should probably get up now." he said. As he got himself up. He then held out his hand to you so he could help you up. " Thank you." you said as you grabbed his hand. Once you were back on your feet, you continued to pack up your equipment. The man that had once been with Aoi, was no where in sight as were his guitars. "I guess, he left with out me. " he said with a laugh " Again, I'm really sorry for spilling your coffee earlier and also for letting you fall." He said with sincerity. "It's fine don't worry. Just some small accidents but it's no big deal. " you reassured. " Alright, well I'll be on my way. I'll see you on Friday." he said "Take care of yourself." "Thank you, see you Friday. You take care of yourself as well. See you soon." With that he waved goodbye and exited through the door. You sat down on your chair and smiled at yourself. Thinking about the small accidents that occurred to you through out the day.

Okay here is a new imagine for you all. Sorry it took me so long to get it done. I've been extremely busy lately with almost no time. But now i'm good to go. Anyways, I've ben thinking about starting some stories. But don't know which one i should do first, the one with Aoi or With Ruki? Let me know which one you want first. As always, please let me know your thoughts on this one. Vote/ comments are appreciated. Thank you so much for reading !^.^ - The Inside Beast

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